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posted by TheDogPoundMan
Ariel and Max first meet when Ariel, attracted por fireworks, goes up to the side of Prince Eric's ship to spy on the festivities aboard. Max is having a fun time jumping around until he sniffs the air, smelling a strange and unfamiliar scent (you can't blame him - Ariel just came out from the salt water-filled ocean and has a pescado tail for a lower half, she must smell pretty strongly!)

Clearly curious, he follows the smell toward the porthole Ariel is looking through, and our fave redheaded mermaid gasps and hides when she realizes that he's coming her way. The look of fright on her face as...
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posted by alafastanzio

Attina has an naranja tail with a matching seashell bra and brown hair, and wears a crown-like tiara similar to her father's. She is described por her sisters as being bossy but has often displayed being the most responsible. According to Ariel’s Beginning, Attina is the eldest (and is likely the next-in-line to the Atlantican throne). This was determined por her unique crown, robust voice, as well as speculation that her name is a Jamaican pronunciation of her mother’s name, Athena. Although her name was most likey taken from Alan Menken's rock opera "Atina, Evil queen of the Galaxy."...
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posted by i-love-tv
Poor Unfortunate Souls

Vocals: Pat Carroll (Ursula)
Running time: 4:51

[The only way to get what tu want]
[Is to become a human yourself]

[Can tu do that?]

[My dear sweet child]
[That's what I do]
[It's what I live for]
[To help unfortunate merfolk, like yourself]
[Poor souls with no one else to turn to]

I admit that in the past I've been a nasty
They weren't kidding when they called me
Well, a witch

But you'll find that nowadays
I've mended all my ways
Repented, seen the light
And made a switch

And I fortunately know a little magic
It's a talent that I always have possesed
And here lately, please don't laugh...
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I recently rewatched this movie and i can say that i like this movie más now than i did at first so i figured that i should write a review about it.

Disney´s The little Mermaid is the 29th animated feature from Walt disney Pictures and the one that started the disney Renaissance with a bang.

It is Based on the fairy tale written por Danish autor H.C Andersen.

The Little Mermaid´s production really started soon after Snow White and the seven dwarfs relase but as a featurette not a full lenght feature, but it was put on hold for unknown reasons.

In 1985 Ron Clements came up with a...
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Here is fan fiction that I wrote myself . Enjoy.

Ariel was longing to fall in amor with someone she would marry. Her father the king Triton didn’t want her to go to the human world as they were barbarians. One night as Ariel was canto about longing to be part of the human world with her best friend platija she heard a ship. ‘What if tu suppose’ Ariel dicho to Flounder. Sebastian was here at the time and he didn’t want Ariel to go up there. Of course she did and she swam up to the parte superior, arriba of the surface. As she went up to the surface she saw a huge shipwreck and she started to laugh. Sebastian...
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posted by LisaForde
The Little Mermaid

(An ocean. Birds are flying and porpoises are swimming happily. From the fog a ship appears crashing through the waves)

Sailors: I'll tell tu a tale of the bottomless blue

And it's hola to the starboard, heave ho

Look out, lad, a mermaid be waitin' for tu

In mysterious fathoms below.

Eric: Isn't this great? The salty sea air, the wind blowing in your face . . . a perfect día to be at sea!

Grimsby: (Leaning over side.) Oh yes . . . delightful . . . .

Sailor 1: A fine strong wind and a following sea. King Triton must be in a friendly-type mood.

Eric: King Triton?

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alyssa milano
Alyssa Milano

The little Mermaid was released on November 17 1989 and is largely accredited with being the film that heralded the beginning of the disney Renaissance. With the average production time of an animated disney film being 6 years this film was developed in the height of the 80’s.

The assignment of designing the heroine Ariel was left to animator Glen Keane who would go on to animate other disney characters such as the Beast, aladdín and Tarzan. He wanted the heroine to be reminiscent of the traditional disney Princesses while at the same time being relatable to the ‘modern...
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posted by KataraLover
It's a new morning Ariel has awoken she's had a long night with very little sleep because she couldn't sleep. She went to Ursula to try to make conversation to win her trust.

"Aunt Ursula" dicho Ariel

"Yes my dear" dicho Ursula

"How about we talk" asked Ariel

"Certainly, what would tu like to talk about?" asked Ursula

"Well what was it like when tu and daddy were younger" asked Ariel

"Well we also has a sister" dicho Ursula

"You mean I have another aunt" dicho Ariel

"Yes tu do" dicho Ursula

"Why haven't I ever heard of her" asked Ariel

"She was always jealous of me" dicho Ursula

"Why was she jealous of you"...
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posted by i-love-tv
This is the lyrics sung por tritons daughters, which Ariel should of sung as well.

Daughters of Triton

Vocals: (Daughters of Triton)
Running time: 0:40

Ah, we are the daughters of Triton
Great father who loves us and named us well
Aquata, Andrina, Arista, Atina, Adella, Allana
And then there is the youngest in her musical debut
Our seventh little sister, we're presenting her to you
To sing a song Sebastian wrote
Her voice is like a bell
She's our sister, Ari--

This was published por i-love-tv

Please comentario if tu like this movie and song o not.
Here On The Land And Sea lyrics

I hear the música playing
It's swinging and it's swaying
A little rhapsody
Today we're so delighted
Today we're all united
Here on the land and sea

I think the sails are sailing
Even the whales are wailing
They're swimming fancy-free
We're feeling better now
We sing together now
Here on the land and sea

mover your fins and mover your feet
Life is sweet, life is grand
Though we rhumbas with the bajo bajo brand

Have been through stormy weather

Now we can sing together

Ariel & Melody
In perfect harmony
We're feeling better now
We sing together now
Here on the land and sea

Those on land sing...
Those below sing...
Life is sweet, as sweet can be
On the land and on the sea

We're feeling better now
We sing together now
Here on the land and sea
posted by i-love-tv
Down To The Sea lyrics

You are my world, my darling
What a wonderful world I see
You are the song I'm canto
You're my beautiful Melody

Darling, we better be going

Look at her, isn't she glowing?

She looks divine, and tu look exquisite
But look at the time

Couldn't be, is it?

The crew is awaiting your orders

We're sailing away from our borders

Sailor 1
Steady, oh, steady

Sailor 2
Ahoy there, they're coming!

Trumpeters ready, drummers start drumming

Down to the sea we go
Down to a world I know
There's never been, not ever before
A child...
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posted by LisaForde
I have been loving this movie since god knows when and here is a few reasons why I amor this movie.

#1 The story is nice and magical

tu can’t help but amor the story of this about a mermaid who falls for a human after she saves him from drowning. I amor the chemistry of Ariel & Eric .

#2 The music

OMG Alan Menken is the god of música when it comes to composing tu can’t help but amor the música score.

#3 The characters are colourful

I amor all the characters in this movie especially Ariel & Sebastian.

#4 I like sirenas and dreams coming true

I amor these kind of cine about fairytales and magic because they are cute and adorable and they make tu want to believe in love.

#5 The ending of this movie always makes me happy and tearful.

OMG I amor the ending of this movie it is so romantic and very cute.
posted by i-love-tv
For a moment lyrics

Okay, get a grip, get a hang of this flipper
It's like slipping two feet into one big huge slipper
This way is left, oh, which way is right
Well, now I'll be circling in circles all night

oh so this is forward. No problem.

I can't believe I can do this and más
To swim in the sea like I walk on the apuntalar, costa
Out of my shell, not closed up like a almeja
Got to see, this is me, here I am

For a moment all of me
Is alive and at inicial in the sea
I'm swirling and twirling, so graceful and grand
Not stubbing my toes getting stuck in the sand

For a moment life is cool
I'm splashing the...
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posted by jessy-lu
Part of Your World
Vocals: Jodi Benson (Ariel)
Running time: 3:15

[Maybe he's right]
[Maybe there is something the matter with me]
[I just don't see how a world]
[That makes such wonderful things]
[Could be bad]

Look at this stuff, isn't it neat?
Wouldn't tu think my collection's complete?
Wouldn't tu think I'm the girl
The girl who has everything?

Look at this trove, treasures untold
How many wonders can one cavern hold?
Looking around here, you'd think
Sure, she's got everything

I've got gadgets and gizmos a-plenty
I've got who's-its and what's-its galore
You want thing-a-mabobs?
I've got twenty
But who cares?...
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posted by DreamyGal
 *~DreamyGal Productions~*
*~DreamyGal Productions~*
I must find a way to be with him.
If I can’t have him, my world will always be grim.
No one I know will understand.
They all hate the land.
But it’s all I can ever think about.
I would amor it up there, I have no doubt.
Especially to be in his arms,
Getting lost in all of his charms.
Only then will I be satisfied.
Knowing that from now on it’s with him I’ll reside.
I long to be in his arms and to dance!
And find myself in a lover’s trance.
I must find someone who will help me with my plea,
Until then I will be miserable under the sea.
posted by i-love-tv
Tip And Dash lyrics

Taming the tides, swarming the sea
Beware barracudas, drop to your knees
Defending our friends and anemones
As big as a ballena (but with a much smaller tail)

Facing the foe with our fearless flukes
Daring the dastards to put up their dukes
Great globs of gore, we'll storm the apuntalar, costa
And seek the unknown, then can we go home?

Titanic Tip and Daring Dash
Adventurers slash explorers
Titanic Tip and Daring Dash
Adventurers slash explorers

Our Gallant quest to do our best
and smile for our adorers

We'll save the día and make a splash
Titanic Tip and Daring Dash

We'll clobber those...
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posted by FloraorStella
After lectura the real story of The Little Mermaid which was written por the Danish autor Hans Christian Andersen, who coincidentally is also one of my favorito! authors, I was inspired to write about the differences between it and what disney had shaped their movie into. Also, there is a Japanese adaptation of the real story which tu can find link if you're interested. Now onto the comparing between the two! Also, spoilers ahead.

In Hans Christian Andersen's tale, the mermaid is nameless. At the age of fifteen, a mermaid is deemed ready to see the human world for themselves. The Little Mermaid's...
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posted by KataraLover
tu think tu know Ursula but tu don't know the half of it this is her past. Once there was a king Named Triton who ruled the seaven sea's with his beautiful sister queen Ursula and his beautiful wife queen Athena. King Triton and queen Athena had seaven daughters from oldest to youngest Attina, Alana, Adella, Aquata, Arista, Andrina, and Ariel. While she had everything Ursula wasn't satisfied she wanted más she wanted más power, she wanted to be greater, she wanted to be the most powerful creature ever, and she would do anything to get it. Strange things were happening which frightened...
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 Opening credits were awesome
Opening credits were awesome
Q1 Favourite entrance in the movie?

Q2 Favourite character in the film?

Q3 Favourite song in the movie?

Q4 Favourite romantic moment ?

Q5 Favourite sidekick?

Q6 Did I like Ursula?

Q7 Favourite family scene?

Q8 Favourite Ariel & Eric kiss?

Q9 Did I like the ending


Q1 I actually liked the opening credits to the movie as its so mesmerizing and I liked Ariel’s introduction when we see her character for the first time.

Q2. I have to go with Ariel because she’s so spunky and cheerful and very optimistic. Quite frankly I like how she sacrifices her life to be with the man she loves.

Q3 I love...
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The Little Mermaid is the first disney rennaisance film which started from 1989-1999. The story is about a lovestruck teenage mermaid who's father doesn't want her to go to the surface as he thinks that human's are barbarians. Of course one night she sees a ship as the prince Eric is celebrating his 18th birthday. But the ship goes up on flames and Ariel saves him after he nearly drowns. She falls for him and in order for her to be with him she makes a bargain with the sea witch Ursula. But she wants her voice and so Ariel gives her voice to Ursula and she gets legs instead. She must make him...
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