The House of Anubis Club
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added by Icestorm08
added by iShakeItUp97
Source: iShakeItUp97
added by ALAISIA911
added by stay_strung
added by stay_strung
added by Damon_Rocks
Source: Damon_Rocks
added by Damon_Rocks
Source: Damon_Rocks
added by sibuna21fabian5
Source: doglover23
added by Icestorm08
added by Damon_Rocks
Source: Damon_Rocks
added by stay_strung
added by Problematic129
Source: Don't own anything
Patricia's P.O.V
"what have I done!" Patricia says to joy as she enters her room from her fecha with Eddie. "Patricia what's wrong? How did the fecha go?" Joy replied with a concerned tone. "I messed up everything on our date! Its all my fault!" Patricia yelled. "Patricia What exactly happend!" "Welll Eddie wanted to make out in the cab and-" Patricia was interrupted por joy "making out in the cab? Really? There's the cab driver! Talk about awkward." joy finishes. "I know! That's why I got annoyed and I can't belive he asked me what's my deal! My deal? What about his deal! So that's why I broke...
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added by Problematic129
Source: Don't own anything
added by zanesaaomgfan
Source: fansites
added by BJsRealm
Source: Nick
(Mara, Patricia, Joy, Fabian, Eddie, Amber, Nina, and Mick scream)
(Mick's and Alfie's room)
(Mick's mark is glowing blue)
Alfie: what is it- no!
Mick: it's not what tu think. It's not a tattoo. It's-
Alfie: the mark of Anubis.
Mick: yeah. how did tu know?


(Dinning room)
Mara: I thought tu dicho it will go away. Not burn blue.
Nina: I'm sorry.
Eddie: the book of Isis is gone.
Patricia: what?
Fabian: but-
Mick: (enters with Alfie) good news guys. I made Alfie a Sibuna.
Amber: what?
Joy: I hope tu know that he was kicked out a long time ago.
Alfie: Come on I can do it. Just please forgive...
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added by AnnieFoery
Osiris: then tu can not have him and tu can not leave.
Nina: what?!
Senkhara: but she is the chosen one. Your wife's gave her powers to her.
Nina: I thought that was from Amneris?
Senkhara: Amneris and Isis.
Nina: oh.
Osiris: well unless Isis lets tu out, tu cannot leave.
(Mick, Mara, and Fabian enters)
Fabian: Nina! There tu are!
Nina: tu guys have to go!
Mick: why?
Osiris: because until Isis says tu can go, tu will stay here, forever.
Mara: fine then. Do I get a phone call and what's Isis's phone number?
(Eddie's and Fabian's room)
Patricia: his not doing anything. I'm going to...
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Nina Martin, one of the Sibuna members, has a big secret which no one knows. Not even she herself!
Nina is walking around the corridor, finding Fabian, her ideal boyfriend. She's not just walking around the corridor, she's also finding the cup of Ank (because she lost it!). "Nina! Nina!" calls out Amber from behind. She walks to Nina. "Nina!"
"Yes?" asks Nina who turns to her friend. "Patricia found something!" tells Amber. Nina whispers, "Is it the cup? I lost it!" "No silly! Come on!" shouted Amber. "hold out your wrist," Nina holds out her wrist. Amber...
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