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Amy's P.O.V

I still remember his reactions when I told Sonic about my new love.

Sonic asks, "So what do you want to talk about?" I say, "Well... Sonic... I am no longer into you... to be honest I think I fell in love with someone else..." Sonic asks, "Really?! Who is it?!" I say, "Well this is the problem... it is... Shadow." Sonic's mood suddenly dropped. Sonic says, "Oh.. um well sorry for this loss but... he's... dead now." I ask, "Wait what?!" Sonic nods and says, "yeah.." I ask, "Does it have to do with the giant explosion and the disappeared city?" Sonic nods and says, "Yeah.....
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{in some misceláneo house} ???'s P.O.V

I cried as my mother whipped me even more. My mother says, "I do wonder. Why do tu always pick Torture as your punishment. Why not sexual assault, o suffer from not allowed to have food/drink?" I didn't answer. My mother growls, "Fine tu won't answer that's fine with me!" She then continued to whip me. I think, "I'll tell tu why! Because it's a prayer. Praying for a certain someone to save me! A cry for help! And that help is called Torture the darkhog!"

Torture's P.O.V

I looked at the object that Amy saw on the floor. i don't know why the others gasped i...
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Torture's P.O.V

I walked over to the mansion that the others now call 'SSS mansion' I saw Sonic and Shadow on the floor bleeding. I ran over to them and ask, "What happen to tu guys?" Sonic says, "it's obvious. Eggman happened." I ask, "Eggman did this?" Shadow says, "Along with a some guy named.. what was it again, oh yeah. Josh the darkhog." My eyes widened. I ask, "Did tu say, Josh the darkhog?" Sonic says, "yeah. He did. he was with Eggman. He looked más badass than Eggman and way más dangerous than Egghead will ever be. I think he dicho your name and Anaka's name as well. Do you, Anaka,...
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Warning: From this moment on they're going to curse.

Silver's P.O.V {On Thursday}

I woke up when Shadow yells, "SILVER GET YOUR LAZY culo DOWN HERE! WE'RE SUPPOSED TO GO TO SCHOOL!" I totally forgot! I got ready and went downstairs. Sonic was down there. I ask, "Where is Shadow?" Sonic says, "Beats me. When he woke me up telling me to get ready for school. It took awhile for me to come down but when I came down he wasn't here."

Shadow then came into the mansion and says, "Okay lets go." I say, "But I didn't get breakfast." Shadow says, "I don't care now lets go! This is what tu get for sleeping...
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{Will rip off some of SSS Show. Some characters will be the same from that mostrar too.} Warning: Will contain Curse words.

Sonic's P.O.V

What the? I was looking at the mail. When I opened one of them and read it. My eyes widened and I called, "Silver! Shadow! Get your lazy asses down here!" Shadow comes down and asks, "What do tu want Sonic?" Silver asks, 'Yeah what's all the screaming about?" I say, "'s from SEGA and it says and I quote, 'You're fired because we looked at your ages and saw that tu all are the age that has to go to high school.'" Silver asks, "WHAT?! I'm not going to...
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Knuckles' P.O.V

i saw Shadow walking around looking at the room numbers. I walk up to him and ask, "hey Shadow? What room are tu looking for?" Shadow says, "The segundo gym. I was told i had to go to that gym instead of the first gym which is where I went before." I say, "Oh, I can mostrar tu where it is." Shadow says, "You don't have to do that Knuckles. I can find it myself." I say, "It's nothing Shadow. I was heading there anyways." Shadow says, "Well in that case, sure."

I showed Shadow to the segundo gym. Once I opened it, i saw Torture. I say, "hey man." I fist bump him.k Shadow asks, "You...
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Sonic's P.O.V

I saw Amy come back. I ask, "How did tu escape Amy?" Amy says, "I didn't. Dark Shadow just let me go." I ask, "Really? That is kinda hard to believe." Amy says, "Well whether tu believe it o not, it doesn't matter. He let me go so he let me go. tu don't really need to believe it." I say, "Whatever. Anyways, remember when tu dicho tu would let us stay at your place?" Amy says, "yeah." I point in the direction of the house. Amy looked and saw bombs sticking on the house. I say, "Bean came over and put them all over the house. We kicked his culo once we found the bombs all over...
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Warning: Shadamy.

Dark Shadow's P.O.V

Wow Dark Amy's real self is cute... GOD WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME! I NEVER THINK LIKE THIS TOWARDS SOMEONE GOOD! Maybe those feelings my good version of me was feeling for her are kicking in. Amy asks, "What are tu going to do to me?" Amy seems to be crying a little, most likely from fear. I say, "You'll figure out soon enough my dear." Amy looked at me straight in my empty eyes. I stared at her back. When she is looking at my empty eyes I don't see o sense any fear in her. If only my good self didn't feel this way towards her i wouldn't be having this problem....
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Angel's P.O.V

I watched in horror as a being that looked like Sonic destroy the city. I saw there was only one house that wasn't destroyed. I ran over to it to see if there were any survivors. When I got there I noticed Sonic, Shadow, Silver, Knuckles, and three other people i didn't know. I ask, "What are tu doing here?" Silver saw me and asks, "Us? What are tu doing here? We should be here because this is where we live. This is Shadow's mansion." Knuckles says, "uh.. i don't think that's a very good Idea Shadow." I ask, "What's not a good idea?" Shadow says, "uh..nothing important."

I saw...
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added by SonicFanGal
Source: ???????????
added by nekayla
Angel's P.O.V

The campana rang and I say, "Well seems like we have to go. What class do tu guys have now?" Sonic, Shadow, and Silver say, "Music." I say, "well then okay, Can we hang out after school?" Sonic says, "I'd amor to but I have to go to my job." I ask, "What is your job?" Sonic says, "I work for SEGA." Shadow says, "But tu got fired remember?" Sonic says, "Oh yeah. Well then okay. We can hang out after school." Shadow says, "Well I can't. I have to go to my job." I ask, "And What is that job?" Shadow says, "can't tell you. Its secret. Literally. Only a few people know about it and they...
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added by milesprower11
Shadow's P.O.V {After school}

Sonic, Silver, and I were walking back home. Silver looked around and then asks, "Guys can we go to the baby toy store?" Sonic says, "Shut the fuck up Silver! We're not going to buy tu a fucking baby toy! So don't tu dare protest!" Silver asks, "What does 'protest' mean?" Sonic and i face palm. Sonic says, "Ugh! *sigh* Fine the meaning is: a statement o action expressing disapproval o objection to something." Silver asks, "What does 'objection' o 'disapproval' mean?" Sonic says, "Your really trying to get on my nerves, aren't you?" Silver says, "No i just don't...
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added by Shadow5772
added by sonic143amy
Source: me
added by shadowgirl101
i did my best