The elefante Man Updates

a comment was made to the poll: The elefante Man has a 90% average critic ranking on Rotten Tomatoes. Do tu agree with this? hace más de un año by makintosh
a poll se añadió: The elefante Man has a 90% average critic ranking on Rotten Tomatoes. Do tu agree with this? hace más de un año by makintosh
a comment was made to the poll: Did tu cry? hace más de un año by Gabri3la
a link se añadió: Anne Bancroft at hace más de un año by eagle393
a pop quiz question se añadió: Besides DAVID Bowie and Phillip Englum, who else played John Merrick on Broadway? hace más de un año by FassMackee
a pop quiz question se añadió: who was the Merricks nurse? hace más de un año by FassMackee
a comment was made to the poll: Who was más cruel with Joseph? hace más de un año by fansfunsz
an answer was added to this question: Does anyone happen to know if it's possible to watch the 1980 Broadway play of the Elephant Man starring David Bowie somewhere? hace más de un año by fansfunsz
a question se añadió: Does anyone happen to know if it's possible to watch the 1980 Broadway play of the Elephant Man starring David Bowie somewhere? hace más de un año by Skylen