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‘Teen Wolf’ Recap: Season Finale

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Fanpup says...
I remember visiting this website once...
It was called ‘Teen Wolf’ Recap: Season Finale — Allison Saves Scott From The Beast | TVLine
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
the Beast’s reign of terror in Beacon Hills. And it’s all thanks to… Allison?
Teen Wolf EP Reveals Season 6’s First Villain, Teases ‘Something Big’ With Stiles and Lydia, Plus More Scoop
That’s right, friends, Scott’s first love — who has actually had a remarkable presence this season, despite being dead — came through for him once again during his final battle with the Beast. Allow Stiles to clarify:
In the tunnels, when Sebastian had his hands around Scott’s throat, the guy probably didn’t even know what he was doing. His claws got into Scott’s neck. He was going to kill him. Then he stopped and said a name: Marie Jean. … He saw Allison. … It gave Scott a chance to break free. She saved him. Allison saved his life.
Even after all the dramatic, friendship-centric speeches Stiles has delivered over the years, that one hit me right in the blood-pumper. And now that we’ve sorted
out, let’s check in with the rest of Scott’s pack:
* First thing’s first: Mason lives! A well-timed (and
loud) scream from Lydia helped the wayward chimera remember who he really is. (And that little moment between Mason and Corey? Adorable.)
* With an assist from Kira and the skinwalkers, Theo was treated to an unexpected family reunion with his sister. (Think less picnics with matching t-shirts and more
* After years of urging Stiles not to get involved with police business, Sheriff Stilinski finally told him, “Welcome to your future career in law enforcement.” (“Officer Stiles” has a nice ring to it, no?)
* Despite everything Malia went through in the finale — including
defeating the Desert Wolf alongside Braeden, who could 
use some target practice — the were-coyote seemed relatively carefree as she entered Beacon Hills High at the end of the hour. Then again, after the life she’s lived, it would take more than a homicidal parent to ruin her day.
* An injured Hayden turned down a trip to the hospital, opting instead for a bite from Scott. (Don’t even lie, you totally got choked up during her yellow-eyed reunion with Liam atop Mt. Green Screen.)
* After (briefly) returning to Beacon Hills, Kira made a U-turn and rejoined her skinwalker sisters in the desert. She’ll be there for “as long as it takes,” and if you think you’re alone in worrying about Arden Cho’s attendance in Season 6, you’re not.
And then there was that final shot of 
emerging from the Dread Doctors’ laboratory. (Spoiler alert: It was the Nazi werewolf we learned about a few weeks ago, showrunner Jeff Davis confirmed to TVLine, and he’s going to be a 
‘s Season 5 finale? Hopes for Season 6? Drop ’em all in a comment below 
i hope Kira / Arden Cho doesn’t come back
did i miss what happened to hayden’s sister? or did they not show it
though that whole scene looked weird imo
It just never made sense that deucalion would hate Scott…he didn’t leave hating Scott. I always had in the back of my mind that Scott knew he was there. And there was no way that argent would turn against Scott. I’m glad Theo is freaking gone!…for now. Could not stand that sociopath. Things got wrapped up pretty nicely. No more dread doctors or dumb best.
i would’ve liked it better if the beast would’ve just lobbed his head clean off
OH my god I thought that was going to happen! I thought the beast was gonna knock his head off like it seemed so fitting and the camera angle was perfect.
I love Arden Cho as Kira I just think she got the short end of the storyline stick this season
Honestly I found that to be the best, most satisfying season finale in a long time. The good guys survived and the bad guys got their just desserts. And the various plot threads were all mostly resolved, including the Deucalion mystery.
It was an awesome episode and I very much enjoyed this season as well. But I don’t think it really resolved the Deucalion mystery, as you put it. We knew from earlier seasons Deucalion is still able to see with his alpha eyes, and they hinted that Scott knew about Deucalion being around this season. I knew from like the moment they captured Deucalion that it was only a matter of time before things went very wrong for the Chimeras. He’s an Alpha, times like three or more, plus a whole pack of Betas, all in one. Next to the beast, he’s by far the most powerful werewolf on the show so far, plus his character is very intelligent and well thought out. I’m really hoping he has a good storyline next season. And can they give him the dread doctors’ cane ? Haha. He always has one for his blind “act” anyway.
I’m a big fan of the season..the ending was ok..I honestly a big fan of Scott’s the true alpha! But really wish they do more with him in season 6 especially showing more of his power’s and how tuff him can be. Overall still love the series and hope they have more to come!
I thought it was awesome how Deucalion was on Scott’s side the whole time!! And it was great to have them show Allison as the savior of Scott’s life. But I continue to be disappointed at the lack of Scott’s ‘True Alpha’ powers…seems like he has never really showed any true power. Does anyone else remeber back in the season of the deadpool when he’s about to kill an assassin and he slowly transforming into a crazy looking beast??? I was expecting that from him this season!!
And can someone explain to me where this Nazi soldier Alpha came from??? I thought the soldier was Sebastian who drank water from the wolfs par print???
First off, just wanted to say your account creation interface for this site is awful. Took me 5 tries to get it to accept my FB account for login, and I only kept trying because of how disappointed I am with this finale, & I thought I’d share why with people who actually watch the show.
Now… This season has been all over the place. The more seasons we get into, the farther this TV show drifts away from actually being a Werewolf TV show. Season 1 & 2 were fantastic! The Kanima plot in S2 was very well played out, and Colton Haynes perfected the role. What happened to him, anyway? I know IRL he had moved shows, but.. on Teen Wolf we got 1 line talking about him “moving” and he has never been referenced again, nor were we able to enjoy his amazing acting skills & story with Jackson (not even a flashback). Anyways, I’ve watched this show since S1E1 premier and I was hooked. As the seasons progressed, I started to feel like this show was losing it’s main concept. The werewolves. It started to feel like they were just super heroes, and it’s gotten to the point where the wolves feel like they’re out of place in the show. Yeah, it’s that bad… What made this show awesome was the brotherly-kin bond the wolves (Scott, Derek, Peter, etc) shared with each other, despite their trust issues. It was them against the hunters, and it brought them together when they had doubts. It felt like Game of Thrones, in a way. After Jackson persuaded Derek to give him the bite after he got his new found powers, the Kanima thing was pretty neat. But.. only to a certain extent. The creator of this show took S2’s success with the Kanima and took it to a whole new level, no, a whole new planet. Now we have like, what.. 10+ different super naturals? Let me try to name them all… Kanima, Werewolf, Kitsune, Werecoyote, Banshee, That electric thing, That invisible dude, Whatever Hayden is supposed to be, Hellhound, Wendigo, Werecat (this one is just stupid), That scorpion guy from early S5, Skinwalker, Chimeras, those animal bone dudes from S4.. dang dude I could probably think of more if I tried hard enough. See what I mean? Why couldnt it just stick to Werewolves and hunters? Why ruin the show by turning it into a really poorly written At least then we would actually know what the heck is going on. Also, has Scott and his friends just stopped going to school entirely? Like, there’s hardly ANY school scenes, or even lacrosse games. S1 & 2 had so many of them, now we get practically nothing. When the heck is this show going to go back to the way it was, or is it too far gone? Werewolves aren’t even cool anymore. This show puts them to a really low level on the awesomeness-scale. Now I wished I had just watched the Twilight series over this show.. at least then I wouldn’t think werewolves as spidermans/batmans. Scott and his group aren’t anywhere close to being dark. I mean, come on.. they’re freakin werewolves! Scott is true alpha, yes.. blah blah (a really terrible one may I add.. he fights like he is ashs pikachu on pokemon! he loses fights to his own beta? and hes a TRUE alpha? LOL!). I still don’t think his entire group should be the police task force of the super natural. None of them, other than Malia, has a desire to kill to protect herself/friends. (who isn’t even a cool character, may I add); They all act like it’s the end of the world if 1 civilian ( or bad guy ) gets killed by someone/thing. Gotta save everyone, guys! Even the people who tried to kill US! Also, the Allison flashbacks & guest appearance really toyed with my heart, MTV. That wasnt even funny. I love Teen Wolf always have, but the show is terrible I’m afraid. Only thing keeping me watching every week is to hopefully see Peter or Derek ( who both were listed as reoccurring in the cast, but haven’t made a single appearance in S5 at all. Braden didnt even mention Derek and they were ‘close’ wtf?) What even happened to PEter? He got locked up inside Eichen House end of S4, and we havent even seen him ONCE this season! There were endless episodes taking place in Eichen house, and we didnt even get a glimpse or a conversation? Wasnt he locked up with 3-eyes? Where did he get moved to during that time period? I’m just waiting to see what happens next for S6. Watch, next thing theyre gunna do is the freakin underworld and we’re going to see Hades and some skeleton/demons/gargoyles/whatever else the writer decides to put in because this isnt a show about werewolves anymore. I’m totally joking, but I bet it’ll happen. They’re running out of ideas! Hopefully we get Derek and Peter back. Without them this show just feels like a fairy tale. PEACE!
i knew there was something wrong with the pic of the beast and the hellhound fighting,i thought parish had to get bigger but it was the beast had to be his size…i love TEEN WOLF!May there always be villains to fight..and where the hell is Derek,Ethan,Erick…anyways,may season 6 be bigger,better,badder and more of Kira and Scott/Hayden and Liam…May the Teen Wolf haters loose their sense of sight and hearing because if you hate this show then i really do not know what you like..INTENSE!
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