TDI Fanon AND Canon Couples Club
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added by TDIfanJai499
Source: Cuttieartgirl
added by thomasedslover
added by thomasedslover
added by thomasedslover
added by TDIfanJai499
added by thomasedslover
added by thomasedslover
I still own nothing and did not make this video.Another video of Trent,Courtney,Duncan,and Gwen. This one is a lot like the other,just..different. :I
added by thomasedslover
added by thomasedslover
added by TDIfanJai499
Source: DisneyWiz - TDI Fanon Club -
hola guys,I hope tu like my first songfic! I just thought this is something tu should know before tu read the story; The mostrar ended after six más seasons,( Yes,six;Chris is crazy,:) )the contestants are all either twenty-four o twenty-five in this story.During the 8th season,Trent and Gwen got back together and stayed together after the mostrar ended.There is no seriously violent,or mature stuff in this story,but it does have a shocking surprise towards the end.The story is based off of Rihanna's awesome song,Unfaithful.Enjoy!

Story of my life
Searching for the right
But it keeps avoiding...
continue reading...
added by thomasedslover
added by TDIfanJai499
Source: I'm not really sure,I couldn't find who made it but I didn't,and I give full credit to ever did.
added by TDIfanJai499
Source: Cuttieartgirl on
added by thomasedslover
added by TDIfanJai499
added by TDIfanJai499
Source: RomanticStyle on
I found some awesome TDI vids on youtube,so i decided to add another vid.I'll subir the others.And some más TrentXGwen and GwenXDuncan videos.Hopefully the writers will find a compromise to this whole CourtneyXDuncanXGwenXTrent thing.
added by TDIfanJai499
I do not own this video. I just had to add this because not only is she my favorito! character,but I wanted to add a bit of Courtney and duncan into one of the vids i added. =) enjoy!