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supernatural fans Pregunta

Who created this club and what are the rules about posting pics?I'm a huge collector of SPN fondo de pantalla and then sharing it with fans.Not my work,but will give credit if I know whos it is.

This pic I found on facebook fansite.There was no name on it.Thanks.
 Who created this club and what are the rules about posting pics?I'm a huge collector of SPN fondo de pantalla and then sharing it with fans.Not my work,but will give credit if I know whos it is.
very cool pic! ♥
gothic__girl posted hace más de un año
 neenj61 posted hace más de un año
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supernatural fans Respuestas

Flickerflame said:
Not sure who the creator is.

My interpretation of picture posting is: admit what is your work and what isn't, give credit if tu can remember the fuente (easiest if tu add immediately after finding), but at least acknowledge what tu did and didn't make.
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posted hace más de un año 
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