Stormclan Members of StormClan

KatieK102 posted on Sep 12, 2015 at 03:22AM
Falconstar-(KatieK102) - handsome black tom with dark gray chest and dark green eyes (Mate: Sweetbriar)

Wrenflight (TeamPeeta649) - dark brown tom with a golden chest and underbelly with amber eyes (Mate: Shiverwind)

Medicine Cats:
Slightfeather (KatieK102) - dark gray tom with darker patches and green eyes (Temporary mentor) (Mate: Creedstorm)
Swamppaw (Tanglebelly) - black and orange tom with a white freckled face and gold eyes
Pebblepaw (KatieK102) - tan and white tom with blue eyes

Creedstorm (TeamPeeta649) - dark brown she-cat with patchy black stripes all over, a white chin and seafoam green eyes (Mate: Slightfeather)
Redshadow (TeamPeeta649) - massive reddish-brown tabby tom with black stripes, paws, ears and muzzle and lavender eyes (Mate: Mistybreeze)
Duskstorm (KatieK102) - large, creamy-colored tabby tom with a white chest, underbelly, two white paws, and dark blue eyes (Mate: Frecklenose) (Apprentice: Buckpaw)
Berryfrost (KatieK102) - ginger she-cat with white nose and pretty green eyes, and a large scar across her shoulder (Mate: Strongbreeze) (Apprentice: Driftpaw)
Sunheart (Tanglebelly) - orange tom with white flecks and green eyes
Darkmist (TeamPeeta649) - white and black tom with gold eyes
Shiverwind (KatieK102)- pretty white she-cat with pale gray patches and frosty blue eyes (Mate: Wrenflight)
Strongbreeze (Tanglebelly) - black tom with white paws and tail tip, and amber eyes (Mate: Berryfrost) (Apprentice: Badgerpaw)
Sweetbriar (TeamPeeta649) - white she-cat with brown spots and amber eyes (Mate: Falconstar) (Apprentice: Flamepaw)
Frecklenose (TeamPeeta649) - orange tortoiseshell she-cat with a black freckled nose with brown eyes (Mate: Duskstorm)
Flintstripe (tanglebelly) - orange tabby tom with a large fluffy white chest and underbelly and white toes with brown eyes (Mate: Treetail)
Treetail (TeamPeeta649) - brown tom with large black stripes, long legs and blue eyes (Mate: Flintstripe) (Apprentice: Cloudpaw)
Foxclaw (Tanglebelly) - ginger tom with a white muzzle and pale green eyes (Mate: Bloodmoon)
Ambershade (KatieK102) - golden tabby she-cat with white on her muzzle, chest and paws, green eyes
Tanglewhisker (Tanglebelly)-black tom with golden tabby stripes, green eyes, and a single white paw (Apprentice: Ivorypaw)
Bloodmoon (TeamPeeta694) - dark brown she-cat with reddish paws and muzzle and green eyes (Mate: Foxclaw)
Dewspots - pure white she-cat with pale blue eyes
Thundersky (KatieK102) - muscular stone grey tabby she-cat with tan stripes and paws, and piercing hazel eyes
Blacksun (TeamPeeta694) - orange tom with black legs and green eyes
Sunflowernose (TeamPeeta694) - orange tortoiseshell she-cat and a white mask and green eyes
Pantherleap (TeamPeeta649) - grey, white and tan calico she-cat with hazel eyes

Buckpaw (Tanglebelly) - dark brown tom with grey stripes and blue eyes
Badgerpaw (TeamPeeta694) - grey and tan tom with a long tail and hazel eyes
Driftpaw(Tanglebelly) - white and brown tom with a light grey freckled muzzle and green eyes
Cloudpaw (KatieK101) - fluffy white she-cat with bright blue eyes
Flamepaw (Tanglebelly) - orange tabby tom with blue eyes
Ivorypaw (TeamPeeta694) - creamy white tom with brown eyes



Scorchgaze (TeamPeeta649) - large, muscular orange tabby tom with amber eyes
Hushpool (TeamPeeta649) - muscular light tan she-cat with dark brown paws and green eyes (Mate: Skyheart)
Skyheart (Tanglebelly) - lean grey tom with blue eyes (Mate: Hushpool)
Featherwing (TeamPeeta649) - light grey tom with white stripes, a long fluffy tail, and icy blue eyes (Mate: Crowtail)
Crowtail (Tanglebelly) - muscular jet black tom with blue eyes (Mate: Featherwing)
Mistybreeze (KatieK102) - slender gray tabby she-cat with one white paw, tail tip and blue eyes (Mate: Redshadow) retired early


Current Season: New-Leaf
last edited on Jun 01, 2022 at 02:46PM

Stormclan 31229 respuestas

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hace más de un año tanglebelly said…
*purrs at him* Hey stop im trying to talk to someone.

Trust me you can do a lot i know from personal experience.

3 is standard?? *says in awe* What?
hace más de un año KatieK102 said…
"Uh, you're welcome," *meows, mustering a smile despite her obvious embarrassment* "I love Sweetbriar. She's my best friend." ~ Berryfrost

"This is business," *says, mockingly exasperated* "Falconstar has a point. We'd never get any work done if we followed our hormones." *raises her voice* "That's bias, Treetail! You're the only one with a mate!" ~ Shiverwind (I just realized that Shiver has started interacting with so many other cats since her and Wren became friends {Strongbreeze, Berryfrost, Treetail, Sweetbriar, etc} and I honestly did not intend for that to happen xDx)

"Or to start rough and then drag out the slow, lazy finish," *murmurs, pressing his muzzle against hers* "But innocent it is." *nuzzles the side of her mouth before licking it softly* ~ Falconstar

*narrows her eyes* "Is that what you think? What, do I need to do something for you to give my mate some peace?" ~ Mistybreeze
hace más de un año tanglebelly said…
And im glad about that! I have to deal with one sisters relationship issue i dont think i could handle two. *laughs*

*slows himself so he was besides Wrenflight and Shiverwind* I think i messed up..*says to Wrenflight just loud enough for Shiverwind*
Strongbreeze (Had to give her more friends on accident :D)

No i dont want anything from you. *turns to her eyes hard with a glare* Im just telling you im not going to give him an easy time.
hace más de un año TeamPeeta649 said…
*purrs* I take that as a compliment. -Featherwing

*nods* Most litters commonly have three kits. -Frecklenose

Be that as it may, there are two other pairs of cats here who seem to get along very well. *grins at her* -Treetail

Always causing trouble aren't you, Treetail? *ears flick in amusement**looks to Strongbreeze* Don't look at it like that. The fact that you two can so easily be that comfortable with one another is a good thing. It's just a little awkward for you both when called out in front of others, which is understandable. -Wrenflight (He's like an olive branch to everyone haha, well almost everyone)

I suppose you have a point. It's an interesting way to think about it. *closes her eyes, returning his soft licks with her own to his muzzle* -Sweetbriar
last edited hace más de un año
hace más de un año tanglebelly said…
Thats because it is silly. *watches the lake again*

Is it common to have fewer? *says still curious*

But i didnt mean to twine our tails!
hace más de un año TeamPeeta649 said…
Oh hush! *flicks him playfully* -Featherwing

*nods* More common than having a huge litter like my mother. -Frecklenose

It's okay. *rests his tail comfortingly on his shoulder* -Wrenflight
hace más de un año tanglebelly said…
*huffs* Yea i know *looks at him amused* But you two are being loud back here why is that?

Yea i wouldnt want a large little like your mother that would be way to much work.

Fine i wont say a single word for the rest of the time out!
hace más de un año TeamPeeta649 said…
That's not what I meant! -Featherwing

I'd lose my mind. -Frecklenose

She's just giving me a hard time, per usual. *flicks her ear playfully with his tail* -Wrenflight
hace más de un año tanglebelly said…
She does that to everyone one. *looks back at her amused* So are you going to cuddle with her? *grins*

You and me both and then we would have to offer them to other couples.

Oh what did you mean then?
hace más de un año TeamPeeta649 said…
That you should hush for just a moment and give me a kiss. *purrs* -Featherwing

*laughs* Never! But I definitely hope we get a normal size litter to start. -Frecklenose

I think Shiverwind would sooner fight me than cuddle me. *laughs* -Wrenflight
hace más de un año tanglebelly said…
*grins and moves back over to him* What you dont like my chit chat? *pushes his muzzles against his*

*nods in agreement and looks at the mouse* Is there any left for me?

*laughs* Same thing with Berryfrost i think she would rather throw me to the ground
hace más de un año TeamPeeta649 said…
I do, but I really love your kisses. *purrs* -Featherwing

*nudges the rest to him* Here you go, love. -Frecklenose
hace más de un año tanglebelly said…
*licks his chin and nuzzles him* We both love the kisse silly.

Thank starclan there is some left! *leans down to eat*
hace más de un año TeamPeeta649 said…
Well that's good. *touches noses with him* -Featherwing

I'm not eating like a total hog yet. *purrs* -Frecklenose
hace más de un año tanglebelly said…
Just a hog that is carrying little ones inside.

*moves his tongue inside his mouth kissing him lovingly*
hace más de un año TeamPeeta649 said…
*purrs deeply, kissing him back and pressing close to him* -Featherwing

*cuffs him lightly* Your roudy little ones. *purrs* -Frecklenose
hace más de un año tanglebelly said…
*pulls away purring* Was that good enough for you?

Rowdy? How can they be rowdy if they arent even born yet!?
hace más de un año TeamPeeta649 said…
Perfect. *nuzzles him happily* -Featherwing

Because I know they will be. *purrs* -Frecklenose
hace más de un año tanglebelly said…
*licks his nose once more and looks at the water* Well lets break down what we did today. *purrs* I saw your hot body soaking wet.

Oh what ever maybe they might be perfect little kittens.
hace más de un año TeamPeeta649 said…
We both got to have some fun dominating. -Featherwing

If so it'd be because of me. *teases* -Frecklenose
hace más de un año Bluefire7777 said…
Whever Treetail and them get back I'm going to proceed with him meeting his kits plan :)
hace más de un año TeamPeeta649 said…
Sounds good!
hace más de un año tanglebelly said…
Mhmm but who had the better time? *grins playfully at him*

What? Come on give me some credit i think i derserve it.

*looks at merryberry* Is that stuff going to taste bad?
hace más de un año TeamPeeta649 said…
Me. *nips him playfully* -Featherwing

Oh all right. *nuzzles him* The kits will likely have your kind spirit. -Frecklenose
hace más de un año tanglebelly said…
Oh explain how you had the better time now im curious. *bats at him*

And my love for rabbit eyes! Cant forget about that.
hace más de un año KatieK102 said…
"Which one? Frecklenose or Applethorn?" ~ Berryfrost

"But we're all just friends back here; do you cuddle with all your 'just friends', Treetail?" ~ Shiverwind

"How about you just not give him any time at all? How hard would it be for you to just ignore him?" *asks coldly* ~ Mistybreeze

*tugs lightly on her lip, before slipping his tongue into her mouth and lazily twining their tongues* ~ Falconstar
hace más de un año TeamPeeta649 said…
Because I had my big sexy mate on top of and under me. -Featherwing

Suuure. *head butts his shoulder playfully* -Frecklenose

Only my best friend. *nuzzles Flintstripe's head* -Treetail

Awww, you're saying you wouldn't cuddle with me, Shiverwind? *teases* -Wrenflight

*tightens her paws around his neck, bringing them closer**works her tongue with his, softly humming out of pleasure* -Sweetbriar
last edited hace más de un año
hace más de un año KatieK102 said…
"Only in your dreams," *purrs, batting at his ears* ~ Shiverwind

*moves his paws down her spine until they rested on her hips, and squeezes them slightly* *takes her tongue into his mouth and nips it before sucking on it lightly* ~ Falconstar
hace más de un año TeamPeeta649 said…
How rude! You're saying I couldn't win the affections of a pretty she-cat like you? -Wrenflight

*moans softly, her fur fluffing up**tugs lightly on his lower lip* -Sweetbriar
hace más de un año KatieK102 said…
"All I said was that I wouldn't cuddle with you!" ~ Shiverwind

*moves his head to her neck and begins licking it, his strokes rapidly becoming rougher* "Innocent kisses don't typically last very long..." *murmurs against her neck* *squeezes her hips a bit harder* ~ Falconstar
hace más de un año tanglebelly said…
*purrs at his mate* Im that Special? *says turning back to Berryfrost* Frecklenose mainly Apple is kind of shut off from us toms. *chuckles*

What about me would you cuddle with me Shiverwind? *grins*

Ah but i have and sweet fluffy thing like you on top and under me!

How about i'll think about? Is that a good enough answer for you? *matches her coldness*
hace más de un año TeamPeeta649 said…
But you're so handsome! -Featherwing

But I'm pretty cuddly. *chuckles* -Wrenflight

I-I definitely feel like you're moving on to the less innocent kiss. *huffs softly, arching her back, pressing herself closer to him and further into his grasp* -Sweetbriar
last edited hace más de un año
hace más de un año KatieK102 said…
*opens her mouth to respond to Flintstripe but overhears Strongbreeze and closes it again, sulky* ~ Berryfrost

*wrinkles her nose* "Definitely not, Strongbreeze. I would cuddle with Wrenflight first." ~ Shiverwind

*huffs, exasperated* "I don't understand why you have to think about it! Is it really so tempting that you go out of your way to mess with him?" ~ Mistybreeze

*the way she pushed her body against his drove his senses crazy* *growls lowly and nips at her neck, wrapping his paws around her hips to lift them up against his own, his member pressing slightly against her thigh* ~ Falconstar
hace más de un año tanglebelly said…
*flattens his ears* Whats wrong with me? I'm not that bad am i?

*watches her face* Something bothering you?

Yes it really is. *flicks his tail* Since im obviously getting a reaction for it.

I know i know! But still you have so much love and you are adorable!
hace más de un año TeamPeeta649 said…
Ha! *nudges his friend playfully* -Wrenflight

*blushes dark and squeaks softly**grips his shoulders tightly, covering his face in affectionate licks* -Sweetbriar
hace más de un año KatieK102 said…
*shrugs* "Not really..." ~ Berryfrost

*stares at him* "Please tell me you're not doing all this just to get reactions out of me." ~ Mistybreeze
hace más de un año KatieK102 said…
*moves back up to her muzzle and licks her mouth before slipping his tongue back into hers* "StarClan, Sweetbriar," *huffs, gripping her hips firmly* "You're driving me crazy." ~ Falconstar
hace más de un año tanglebelly said…
Oh shut up we are both last on the list! *gives him a shove*

*looks back at the other 3 cats* Uh huh well if you ever want to talk about anything im always open ears.
hace más de un año KatieK102 said…
*smiles slightly* "Flintstripe, I think Sweetbriar would kill both of us if I ever went to you over her." ~ Berryfrost
hace más de un año TeamPeeta649 said…
Well i love you! -Featherwing

She didn't say I was last! -Wrenflight

*lays back, panting softly with a deep red face* M-Me too...*paws lightly at his chest* -Sweetbriar
hace más de un año tanglebelly said…
*grins* She wouldnt lay a paw on me! Trust me on that one.

Oh really? Hey Shiverwind where would you place me and Wrenflight on your list?

Oh i know you do you sweet little fluff ball. *nuzzles him and stands to both of his paws* Come on lets head back
hace más de un año KatieK102 said…
"I could cuddle with Wrenflight under special circumstances. Strongbreeze... I don't see that happening." ~ Shiverwind

*chuckles lowly* "Want more, huh?" ~ Falconstar
hace más de un año TeamPeeta649 said…
*gets up and nuzzles him* Lead the way, sexy. -Featherwing

Call me Wrenflight: the ladies man. *laughs* -Wrenflight

*stares down shyly* K-Kissing you mean? -Sweetbriar
hace más de un año tanglebelly said…
Well either way you know my answer ill think about letting up on him or not, now can i go i already missed my chance of speaking with the goldenclan cats thanks to you.

*sighs and pads back up towards Berryfrost* Can you believe those two!?

*starts to strut off back towards camp*
hace más de un año KatieK102 said…
*purrs* "If you say so." *looks at Strongbreeze then stares ahead* "Still giving you trouble?" ~ Berryfrost

*raises an eyebrow* "GoldenClan? What do you want with that lot?" ~ Mistybreeze

"Oh, please," *purrs, shouldering him* "Don't you think you're getting a bit full of yourself?" ~ Shiverwind

"Anything." ~ Falconstar
hace más de un año tanglebelly said…
They were giving your mate some interesting looks so i was going to asked them why. *gives her a look* Is there something wrong with me wanting to know why they were giving a CLANMATE a strange look?

*nods* Yea apparently im not very attractive to she cats. *flicks his tail* Uh also sorry about earlier...

hace más de un año TeamPeeta649 said…
It's a joke! *edges her back* I'm just trying to have the same confidence you do. -Wrenflight

J-Just kissing? *eyes him shyly, her face still flushed pink* -Sweetbriar
hace más de un año KatieK102 said…
*rolls her eyes, hard* "I give up with you." *turns around and starts back to camp, tail lashing* ~ Mistybreeze

"Wrenflight and Shiverwind said that? Of course they did. They're too into each other to think anyone else is attractive." ~ Berryfrost
hace más de un año tanglebelly said…
*smiles lightly laughing* That is true and they dont even notice it. So what are your thoughts on me am i at least slightly attractive?

*watches her go smirking*
hace más de un año KatieK102 said…
"Uh-huh. How's the playing out for you?" ~ Shiverwind

*licks his lips, eyeing her right back, until the sky catches his gaze* *his eyes loose their lusty gleam and his body tenses* "The sun is going to start setting soon. If we haven't missed a MoonClan patrol yet then we're about to." *immediately climbs off of her and shakes his pelt out, mentally scolding himself for getting so caught up* ~ Falconstar