say your name ten times. 2. say your mom's name five times. .........3. say your crushes three times. 4. paste this to four other groups. ...If tu do this, your crush will kiss tu on the nearest Friday. ......But if tu read this and do not paste this, then you will have very bad luck. SEND THIS TO 5 GROUPS IN 143 MINUTES. WHEN YOU'RE DONE PRESS F6 AND YOUR CHRUSH'S NAME WILL APPEAR IN BIG LETTERS ON THE SCREEN. THIS IS SO FREAKY IT BECAUSE IT ACTUALLY WORKS See más
publicado hace más de un año
Many ladies and gentleman would like to stay at starbucks to have a coffee.Many of them are using public wifi.Have tu used it.I think most of the respuestas are yes.I think when tu connect the public wifi.Have tu worried your personal information have been disclose.I suggest that please connect flyvpn to protect your privacy.
publicado hace más de un año
omg everyone likes the CARMEL FRAPPUCHINO..........ME TO LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BTW ROCK ON AND KEEP UP WITH THE GOOD COFFEE!
publicado hace más de un año
Starbucks... what can I say, I can't pass it without stepping in and getting myself a cup of coffee, and maybe sit there for a while if I have time for it. I just amor it.
publicado hace más de un año
Hi, there, starbucks is always my favorite! Even my dissertation can't do without it! but the survey now needs your support...if tu are also a fan of starbucks on Facebook, please help fill up this survey~thank tu so much! Cheers with caramelo Macchiato!!