i found this on deviantART, soo hope u like it:
(Sonic's House)
Sonic:Okay, the first día of high school, the día i finally ask Blaze out, *groans*
wait, doesn't she like that stupid white hedgehog Silver? Man, i hope she says yes!
(Blaze's House)
Blaze:*sighs* Okay, today's the día i ask Sonic out, *sigh* wait, doesn't he like that annoying rosado, rosa hedgehog, Amy? Oh well, i'll just have to hope for the best! I better hurry if im going to see him at the bus stop! *runs almost as fast as Sonic does*
(Bus Stop)
Sonic:Hey, Blaze, wats up? *smiles at her*
Blaze:*blushes* Uhh...... Sonic?
Sonic:Yeah, Blaze?...
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