Snow White is one of my favorito! disney princesses. She's kind, sweet, can be sassy at times, and of course, she freakin stinkin hot!!!!
publicado hace más de un año
my younger cousin participated in a fancy dress competition. She dressed like snow white and she won int the contest!!! Snow white is really cool!! amor her
publicado hace más de un año
I amor Snow White, she is so adorable, sweet and that kind of person that is hard to find in real life and that kind of person I would amor to meet in one of the disney parks (I have only seen her on parades and shows) and this año the movie will turn 75 years on December 21st, that's amazing!
publicado hace más de un año
Snow white is sweet, beautiful, has a gorgeous canto voice and has a beautiful outfit that makes her shine out to me. I cry when she dies but am relieved to see her alive. Snow White... Will u Marry Me?!
publicado hace más de un año