Shaun White Shaun White

underthesea33 posted on Jun 20, 2007 at 04:26PM
So, Shaun White is the hottest guy alive...everyone agree? everyone agree?

Shaun White 3 respuestas

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hace más de un año shaunwhitefan01 said…
Totally! He's like major hot!
hace más de un año kca823 said…
Yeah, he's hot, but don't forget his talent. Have you guys seen his latest round of tricks? I like the alley-oop double backside rodeo. Go to link and click on "New Tricks."

There's also a vid on YouTube of his first impressions of the pipe. He's really cute in it.
hace más de un año blurrybigfoot said…
damn, that site is awesome. my favorite trick thats there is definitely the double back rodeo: link