Sally Field Wall

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GerryKWhite dicho …
Hi Sally My name is Gerald White , I live in Maine and I am 70 years old and have been a fan for a really longtime I live in a group inicial with a few other gentlemen watching your cine helps me remember the good ole days . I Loved tu on the Flying Nun movie ,My favorito! movie is one with tu and Robin Williams Mrs. Doubtfire , I loved the movie Smoky and the Bandit publicado hace más de un año
hotcaseclk dicho …
tu are one of the most incredible actrices I've ever know. Your role in Sybil left me awestruck, crying, overwhelmed, and totally helpless feeling for that girl. In Steel Magnolia's, I can't imagine anyone else playing that scene at the cemetery " Why, Why, Why" . I don't know how tu do it but tu really bring your characters to life. Thank tu so much for the years of incredible talent. publicado hace más de un año
DrGeorge65 dicho …
tu are amazing. I loved your book. After many years in mostrar business I became a chiropractor. For 30 years I was a band leader, singer, saxophonist. If tu are ever in ATL let me know. publicado hace más de un año
jcjock62 dicho …
How are tu doing Sally Field, I have been a fan for a long time, I am in my 50's and would like to ask tu out. I will make all the arrangements to wherever tu are living now, o were tu might be at the time. Let me know if tu are interested o not?
Jim publicado hace más de un año
sallylook dicho …
Hi I know this is a long shot, but I would amor to get an autograph foto of Sally. I have won a contest of celebrity look alike contest, I can adelante, hacia adelante a foto if necessary. I am always told I look like her. I just realized she was born in November as well as me. I am turning 60 on November 29 and that would be an amazing gift. publicado hace más de un año
pwetopon dicho …
i wish to get an autograph foto of tu tu are my favorito! actress since i was young my wife and i amor tu my best to tu anthony j giunrta jr publicado hace más de un año
pwetopon dicho …
hello ms. Field publicado hace más de un año