Rosario+Vampire fan Club Club
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JUST TO SAY SO AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is about the Manga. NOT THE ANIME! The anime is pretty much broken, so the only thing that can save it is a reboot, which I don't see happening until, like, ever.
This is about the ENDING of the MANGA! If tu haven't read it yet, and choose to read this anyway, DON'T POST IN THE comentarios SAYING I RUINED EVERYTHING FOR YOU, cuz I won't care that tu refused to pay attention to my simple directions.

Now, to begin. We have no idea what happened to Fairy Tale, but obviously, they didn't get beat up enough the first time, and they came back. Of course, they are...
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added by RyujinKiryuu
added by Jazz6113
added by Moka-san16
added by DayRay
added by RyujinKiryuu
added by RyujinKiryuu
added by RyujinKiryuu
added by Kikimimi101
Source: Me: Kikimimi101
added by MokaSanAkashiya
Source: gonzo
added by xXhiddenXx
added by RyujinKiryuu
added by RyujinKiryuu
added by RyujinKiryuu
Everyone needs to understand that japón isn't going so well. There is now radioactivity found in Tokyo from the nuclear power plant accident, and must understand that begging and dreaming isn't going to do anything. We all need to stop with the crying and pleading for Capu3 of Rosario+Vampire. It is time we all take action por helping Gonzo. Below are a few ways tu can help Gonzo and get the message más clear.

1. Buy the DVD o Blu-ray of Rosario+Vampire Season 1 and Season 2. If tu do that, tu are basically giving money to Gonzo to pay the animators of the anime. It isn't cheap to produce...
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added by Leegh229
Source: ~Darksoulmanga
added by mikeb1082
tu know I used to think something different. Before that I watched only anime and thought that´s the best, but then I noticed some comentarios that manga is good as well. I had to force me to read that... I´ve read that all in one week and finished it today 3.10.2014 Believe me o not....but manga is much better...of course manga has más place for story and más little stories...but tu know tu can see there the progress in relationships, emotions, battles etc. etc.
anime has still place in my corazón but it´s just a cheap small version of ROSARIO+VAMPIRE...A lot of people could say stupid...
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added by tonytaker
posted by thedark123
Does anybody have extra parts for the Mizore figure for sale PM
I need a regular hand and the ice add on also this is my collection updated compared to 2012