Riverdale (2017 TV series) Club
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 The CW’s “Riverdale” has spawned a boomlet of teen dramas with retro styling, moody plots and mordant wit. (Jack Rowand / The CW)
The CW’s “Riverdale” has spawned a boomlet of teen dramas with retro styling, moody plots and mordant wit. (Jack Rowand / The CW)
por Ilana Kaplan
Jan. 22, 2020
2:18 PM

Networks are always looking to double down on what works. In the late 1990s and early 2000s, the CW, then known as the WB, was highly invested in teen soaps like “Dawson’s Creek,” “One árbol Hill” and “Felicity.” Later, it took a turn toward the paranormal with “The Vampire Diaries” and “The Secret Circle”; soon after, superhero shows from “Arrow” to “Supergirl” took over the network. Then, in 2017 the network found its latest golden goose, and an entry point into a TV trend that would reach beyond the CW itself: “Riverdale.”...
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People are extremely judgmental and ignorant when it comes to Archie, he basically gets blamed for everything.

People constantly call him a fuckboy; let's look into that a little bit:

Very first episode of the show, Archie and Veronica kiss in secret, but it's both of them who goes for the kiss and it actually so happens that Archie is the first to say "We shouldn't do this" = Archie gets all the blame

1x09; Cheryl is the one besar Archie, and he's not okay with it = Archie gets all the blame

For half of the mostrar pretty much, Archie and Veronica have been together and stayed true to each at this...
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If it wasn't clear before, last night's 2017 Teen Choice Awards showed why everyone can't stop talking about Riverdale and why the hit mostrar was renewed for Season 2, premiering October 11th. Out of the 7 awards the mostrar and it's cast were nominated for, all 7 surfboards went to Riverdale. First, however, let's take a look at the amazing cast members of Riverdale that made the mostrar the success that it is.

The lovely Lili Reinhart showed up on the blue carpet of the Teen Choice Awards in a see-through cordón, encaje dress that appeared to be layered over a black bodysuit. The long sleeved, near-ankle...
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Wow this was a spectacular finale! It tied up the ends of Season 1 wonderfully as well as setting up the new mystery that will no doubt permeate Season 2. I loved how Archie was really focused on his friends and how much amor and support he threw towards his friends. I especially loved how the finale really focused on not only the core four, but the town as a whole the 75th Jubilee was greatly juxtaposed with the whole Blossom family drama/ and the somewhat wrongful imprisonment of F.P. while he didn't kill Jason he did help cover it up which is still REALLY BAD LOL! Betty's speech at the Jubilee...
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