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Princess Hours Are Tu Mostly Laughed O Cried?

40 fans picked:
laughed too much
cried too much
 JustLikeSoul posted hace más de un año
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JustLikeSoul picked cried too much:
ı cried too much!
posted hace más de un año.
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Narsis picked laughed too much:
My friends and I laughed but we had stress for some episode(20-21-22)
posted hace más de un año.
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Goong_5550121 picked laughed too much:
I kept laughing but not the sad part...maybe episode 18 is the funniest when chae gyung saw shin naked!!! hahaha
posted hace más de un año.
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JustLikeSoul picked cried too much:
actually you are right, ı ve only stressed some of the last episodes :)but ı remember like ı was always crying:)
posted hace más de un año.
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rhenea24 picked cried too much:
touching luv story,.((:
posted hace más de un año.
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Chillax-Bro picked laughed too much:
I mostly laughed because it has lots of funny parts but I cried in some episodes that I don't want to talk about...
posted hace más de un año.
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kayebundalian picked laughed too much:
i Laughed a lot
posted hace más de un año.