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Spencer had no idea that she was about to find some shocking news about her family in addition to them finding out the reasons why Alison had faked her death for twelve years. They were all under the impression that Jenna had murdered Alison because that was what she told them. She had left Rosewood because Melissa and her parents had never supported her relationship with Wren because of the fact that they had been involved in an affair during his engagement to Melissa which ended after A told her. Aria was still dealing with her own life and the revelation that her husband had another child...
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 Mona Vanderwaal
Mona Vanderwaal
* In Pretty Little Liars, Mona is A in the beginning but is killed por falling off a cliff (when trying to push Spencer off) but in the end Ali becomes the real A. Ali never died and is actually a killer. Alison has a mentally ill twin named Courtney that none of her friends knew about. Courtney escaped from a mentally ill center, pretended to be Ali, and had her sister sent to the center saying Ali was Courtney. Courtney read Alison's diary containing all the girls secrets. When Alison escaped from the center, she sneaked into the granero and kidnapped her sister and buried her alive in revenge....
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Hanna comes up with a desperate plan to save her mother from a conviction and turns to the only person she thinks can help – Mona. Caleb tries to convince her Mona can't be trusted, causing Mona to prove her loyalty in the most unexpected way. And Spencer returns to an old haunt to investigate new evidence relating to Wilden and his surprising ties to another mysterious death. Meanwhile, -A's reciente machinations take their toll on Emily and her mom, driving Emily to reconnect with her old boss Zoe (a charity organizer who previously worked with Emily) to look for an escape. And Aria relies on Jake to help her understand Mike's new attitude, leaving them both confused about the nature of their relationship.
posted by georgouskadia19
Ezra Fitz
Why he might be “A”: We shudder to think that Ezra Fitz could be “A” (or be working with A”), since he
and Aria’s relationship is about the cutest thing on the planet. But after this week, we’re starting to have
our suspicions, between his drinking and the fact that he was once so tight with Jackie, who is basically a
pitchfork away from being a She-Devil incarnate.
Why he might not be “A”: Because he’s Ezra freakin’ Fitz, for goodness sake! And he did some positive
things this week, too, as he finally ‘fessed up to Aria’s parents. In fact, we’re pretty sure...
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 Oh my god .. someone knows i did it !
Oh my god .. someone knows i did it !
In Pretty little liars -the TV mostrar everyone thought that Alison's killer was Ian because he was one of the last few people to see her alive the night she disappeared and he had inicial videos of Alison and the PLLs when hola were younger and one from the night of The Jenna Thing. At one point spencer's older sister Melissa Hastings' hockey stick was buried in The Hasting's backyard and was found por Toby while doing construction work on the dilaurentis house.. Mr Hastings then later burned the hockey stick. but in the summer finale of season 2 it is revealed por detective wilden that a hockey stick...
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For those fans who live in Australia guess what? Pretty Little Liars will be airing here soon, Mondays on GO! I've been seeing commercials and promos for it all the time. They keep saying coming soon to Mondays....haven't got an exact fecha yet but as soon as we do, I'll be posting it!

Can't wait to see all the episodes again...I amor them! Favourites are probably the prom/homecoming episode and the finale episode. Favourite couple is easily Ezra and perfect for each other! And I know people are like, "They're illegal" and I completely agree, they are illegally perfect for each other! LOLS! :P

UPDATE: Pretty Little Liars premieres on GO! Monday 29th November at 8:30pm! Double episode (Pilot and The Jenna Thing) to start things off down under! VERY VERY EXCITING!

UPDATE: Pretty Little Liars has now moved to the new time of 9:30pm on GO! Mondays.

Four PLL stars are on the nomination ballot for the 63rd Primetime Emmys — tu know, the most prestigious awards in television.

Ashley Benson (Hanna) and Lucy Hale (Aria) are both on the ballot for Outstanding Actress in a Drama Series, and Laura Leighton (Ashley Marin) and Sasha Pieterse (Alison) are publicado under Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series. Being on the ballot means they are only possible nominees, but it's still exciting.

In order for the lovely ladies to become actual contenders, members of The Academy of televisión Arts & Scienes have to vote for them. The final nominations will be announced on July 14th.

Let's keep our fingers crossed!
About the halloween episode:
~ It won't actually be about Halloween
~ It won't be a flashback episode
~ It will contain a glimpse of Ravenswood
~ 3 characters from Ravenswood will mostrar up in Rosewood
~ Caleb will leave Rosewood and mover to Ravenswood - he's the key to unlocking the secrets of Ravenswood
~ Marlene King tweeted: "I cannot tell a lie. Saw the first cut of the halloween episode tonight. There are no words. Only letters. OMG!"
~ Lucy Hale dicho it's the most shocking and best written episode so far
Like The Originals and Chicago Fire, PLL will be debuting a new spin-off, Ravenwood. Surprisingly, Ravenwood will be explored in the halloween episode, the yearly stand alone episode that is a favorito! with viewers. Is this a good idea? Not only will the halloween episode shift focus from the liars and the A-Team to this new town and it’s mysteries, but it’s also the cisne song for Hanna and Caleb, as Caleb will be staying behind in Ravenwood.

Showrunner Marlene King, and actors Ashley Benson and Tyler Blackburn, promise that Hanna and Caleb fans will not be disappointed but I can’t help but think that some of the magic of the yearly halloween special will sputter in the new town.

This is my theory on one of my AD suspects. One of my biggest suspects is Jessica/Mary Drake.
Here are my reasons as to why.
NOTE: This is an opinion. This is not 100% true. :)

1. Jessica is actually alive, and was the one who actually killed Mary. Why? Jessica was always nasty towards Mary when they were younger.

2. Mary took Jessica's place when she was babysitting. Jessica BLAMED Mary for the death of the young child. Mary was sent away because of this.

3. Mary made the comentario along the lines of "I was born first she was born jealous." (My fourth reason is bit similar to this one.)

4. Marlene...
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"A" Theories
I think that Toby is "A" because someone locked Spencer in that room with a crobar when they were at the fair and i think he is because as soon as she got out he was straight outside
Alison has a twin
Mona had Alis diary
"A" (Mona) took spencer to the cliff when she wanted to throw her off
Ali is the sencond "A"
Mona used to fecha Noel
Noel broke up with Mona to be with Jenna
Maya and Ali both died
Ali made up a fake twin so she could spy on the pretty little liars

Hope tu enjoyed the facts and my A theorie, I hoped i helped tu <3
posted by sunnaya141
it is really funny cuz like u know they buried alison but she is allliiiveee!
this ain't an articulo but who gives a damn shiiit
i loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool
Confirmed spoilers:
~ Aria starts to seriously contemplate her relationship with Ezra
~ Hanna is thrown into the middle of Caleb's family drama
~ Emily is determined to prove to Spencer that Toby isn't dead
~ -A will take advantage of the drama the girls are going through
~ Spencer will still be in Radley snooping for respuestas about Mona
~ Spencer will discover that Wren authorized a Radley vistor's pass for CeCe
~ There will be at least one Wrencer scene
~ Another body will appear
~ There will be at least one flashback
~ Hanna and Emily go to the morgue to buscar for Toby's body
~ Spencer will find an...
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posted by ClaraAllermann
Pretty Little Liars is an American dramatic televisión series. It was created por Marlene King, based on the popular novels written por Sasha Shepard.
Spencer,Emily,Aria and Hanna were very good friends of Alison. Alison was the former leader of this group, she alwasy tell the girls what to do. They kept secrets with her.
Once why the five girls were having a " Pijama Party" in Spencer´s house Alison disappearance. After this the four girls separeted.
One año later Alison´s disappearance Emily, Spencer, Hanna and Aria received messages from "A" telling secrets only Alison knew. The girls thought Alison may be alive but then later found her´s body buried in her house. "A" is alwasy looking what the girls do and send messages all the time.

The queen bees of the show, Alison DiLaurentis and Mona Vanderwall both are two of the most complex characters on Pretty Little Liars. Alison is the leader of the infamous group, the Liars, and Mona is a frenemy, and sometimes ally of them. They are both known for not always being to nicest to they friends, o allies in Mona's case, and both are manipulative.I personally amor them both equally. However, I want to make this articulo to slightly distinguish which character is the better one on this mostrar right now. There will be a few categories in which I will pick which girl prevails over...
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-IMK advises fans not to assume that when Ezra first met Aria he hadn't already began "plotting."
-In 4B we'll definitely see a new side of Ezra and learn who he really is. It will be "fun."
-We MAY see Mama Fitzzgerald in 4B.
-Whoever Uber A is believes Alison is alive and that's his reason for all this. "He's been tracking her."
-Wren and Melissa are NOT scheduled to return in 4B but those characters will very much be kept alive.
-We will see más of Maggie in 4B & we'll learn what part she plays in all this.
-The black suits in the lair we saw are "a clue." And they "will pay off later."
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posted by ClaraAllermann
Hanna is the most popular girl in Rosewood, who has taking Alison´s place.
Hanna and her mom were abandoned por her father.
She becomes sort of a friend with Lucas, who is in amor with her.
Hanna is once crashed por a car and "A" send a message to the girls telling she knew too much.
She was the girlfriend of Sean, a very popular boy in school but they later broke up.
Hanna becomes closer with a bad boy called Caleb and she gets in amor with him. But she discovers that he was just being with her for a treeat he had with Jenna. Caleb tells Hanna he is sorry and he loves her. But Hanna refuses to talk to him. When Caleb is back to Rosewood they make up.
Alison had a twin named Courtney but Courtney was mentally ill so no one knew about her so Courtney always pretended to be Alison so the parents sent Courtney away to a mentally ill hospital but she escaped then when she came back she acted like she was Alison and the parents acdently sent away the real Alison so then
the fake Alison (the one everybody knew and loved was really the mentally ill one) The fake one ditched all the real ones friends and got with Hanna Spencer Emily and aria then the night the fake one went missing the real one escaped and the real Alison was so mad she killed and buried the fake Alison (that's how she died) then when Maya put all the fake ones stuff outside Mona found it and read all of her things tu see the fake one had wrote n down all the 4 girls secrets down in journals and that's how it happened contact me for preguntas :).........
In 12 short weeks, Marlene King has created one of the most compulsively compelling small screen universes with “Pretty Little Liars” and now she’s pulling back the curtain on some of Rosewood’s most sensational secrets.

PopWrap sat down with the creator to get the inside scoop on Noel Kahn, the future of Ezria, Hannah’s amor triángulo, triángulo de and when A’s true identity will be revealed! Hint: you’ll be waiting a loooooooong time for that one.

PopWrap: If we were judging solely from Twitter fan reaction, it would seem like the stand-out so far this season has been Noel Kahn — did tu expect...
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“Hanna has a life that Ashley and I know nothing about. We barely met our grandchildren all because we kicked her out for getting pregnant por Lucas. I know now that it’s not Lucas’s fault we haven’t seen Hanna o our grandchildren but ours.” Tom explained to Wayne, Byron, and Peter.
    “Emily has a life that Pam and I know nothing about. We barely met our grandchildren all because we kicked her out for being a lesbian and because she had been involved in a secret relationship. I know now that it’s not her fault we haven’t seen her o our grandchildren but...
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