pokémon Lets Do A Pokemon Rp

misshedgehog posted on Sep 01, 2013 at 07:28PM
here you can be a trainer or a gym leader or Elite Four
you start off with one pokemon it can be from the professor or others ways
what do they wear:
what do they look like:
anything else you want to add

rule 1: this rp can have mature thing in it like a character death but ask the person first
rule 2: if there going to be mature romance like love making please use this -------------CENSORED------------- or skip it
rule: you can say bad word but not too bad or too much
rule 4 have fun

oc aka real pokemon on character like red are now alone
last edited on Dec 09, 2013 at 01:32PM

pokémon 73514 respuestas

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hace más de un año DragonAura15 said…
(Luna comes up to Abagail)
Luna: What's up?
hace más de un año misshedgehog said…
Abagail: hi i need help
hace más de un año DragonAura15 said…
Luna: With what?
hace más de un año misshedgehog said…
Abagail: silver birthday coming up and i want him to have a happy one
hace más de un año DragonAura15 said…
Luna: Ah, party planning...Sounds like fun! I'll help you if you want.
hace más de un año misshedgehog said…
Abagail: i dont know if silver will like it i already made him a cake
hace más de un año DragonAura15 said…
Luna: Oh, I'm sure he'll love it. The party, I mean. Well, probably the cake, too.
hace más de un año misshedgehog said…
Abagail: on silver birthday someone need to keep him busy intill the party is ready
hace más de un año DragonAura15 said…
Luna: So it'll be a surprise party? Don't worry, I think my friends will take care of that.
hace más de un año misshedgehog said…
Abagail: really?
hace más de un año DragonAura15 said…
Luna: Yep.
hace más de un año misshedgehog said…
Abagail: thanks the party on 24
hace más de un año DragonAura15 said…
Luna: Okay, no problem.
hace más de un año misshedgehog said…
Abagail: what will we do
hace más de un año Nojida said…
(Hey, sorry I left like that last night, but it was some computer stuff.. Anyway, I won't be on for too long now)
Dawn smiles "Then why don't you try telling him?"
hace más de un año vegeta007 said…
"Well I wanted too but what if he doesn't like me"Bree asked
hace más de un año Nojida said…
(Swimming lessons, I'm dead tired -_-)
"We told you he admited that he likes you, didn't we?" Dawn asks.
hace más de un año vegeta007 said…
(How are swimming lessons at your age ?)
"Yeah but knowing Nuzi, you probably wouldn't leave him alone or something"Bree said
hace más de un año Nojida said…
(200 measures freestyle)
"Bree" Dawn says "He was blushing, he even covered his face so we couldn't see it"
hace más de un año vegeta007 said…
(Oh wow)
"Wait he did ?"Bree asked
hace más de un año Nojida said…
(I know, my head hurts T^T)
Dawn nods "Yes, he did"
hace más de un año vegeta007 said…
(Now I'm glad I never took up those offers for swimming lessons)
"Hmm, I still don't think I should..."Bree said
hace más de un año Nojida said…
(Now I want to fall on the floor)
"Why?" Dawn asks.
hace más de un año vegeta007 said…
(Don't do that, fall on your bed)
"Well Al's never been one to focus on one girl for long"Bree replied "What if he just likes me for now and later he'll move on to another girl"she asked with some sadness in her voice
hace más de un año Nojida said…
(It's too late)
"Still Bree, you have to tell him how you feel" Dawn says "If you keep it inside you it'll be worst"
hace más de un año vegeta007 said…
(Are you okay ?)
"Yeah I know"Bree said with a sigh
hace más de un año Nojida said…
(I will be)
"Then go ahead" Dawn says with a smile
hace más de un año vegeta007 said…
(I hope so)
Bree sighed and smiled "Okay I'll do it, after a trip to the bathroom"she said and went to the bathroom
hace más de un año Nojida said…
Dawn smiles staring after Bree "It'll be fine"
hace más de un año vegeta007 said…
"Dawn"Jace said pooping behind her
hace más de un año Nojida said…
Dawn gets fights and jumps "Jace? What is it?"
hace más de un año vegeta007 said…
"Where've been all this time ?"Jace asked
hace más de un año Nojida said…
"Just wondering around along with Nuzi" Dawn replies

hace más de un año vegeta007 said…
"Doing what ?"Jace asked
hace más de un año Nojida said…
"Girl stuff" Dawn replies.
hace más de un año vegeta007 said…
"I hate it when someone says that"Jace said

(And the ship has sailed! :D)
hace más de un año Nojida said…
Dawn giggles "Yep"

(Ehe XD)
hace más de un año vegeta007 said…
"Okay"Jace said with a pout "The tournament's soon, do you wanna do something til then ?"

(When Gold wanted to comment on her outfit and she attacked him and blushed, that cemented it!)
hace más de un año Nojida said…
"Hmm, I'm not sure" Dawn says "I haven't thought of anything"

(Yep, that's the biggest clue Hidenori has ever given for Mangaquest! XD)
hace más de un año vegeta007 said…
"Wanna go sit outside ?"Jace asked

(Yeah, finally! XP)
hace más de un año Nojida said…
"Sure" Dawn replies with a smile.

(And I think he tries to commend them again, but I don't remember when XP)
hace más de un año vegeta007 said…
"Let's go"Jace said walking out holding her hand

(I think at the end and Chris kicks him XP)
hace más de un año Nojida said…
"Say" Dawn says "Which Pokemon are you going to use at the tournament?"

(Yep XD Actually I was a bit surprised by how Gold kept his straight face when he was about to comment them)
hace más de un año vegeta007 said…
"Well I bet they only allow 3 pokemon so I think I'll use A, Cy and Flambo"Jace replied

(His serious face XP)
hace más de un año Nojida said…
"Those three seem a good choise" Dawn says.

(Yep XP I laughed a lot there XD)
hace más de un año vegeta007 said…
"I would imagine so, they're my strongest"Jace said "Aside from Winston of course"

(Especially when Xatee attacked him XP)
hace más de un año Nojida said…
"Yeah, I look forward to seeing you all battle" Dawn says with a smile

(Yeah XP And when the director or what ever that dude was told Gold the battles he had with Red at Mt Silver will be a TV show XD)
hace más de un año vegeta007 said…
"You're gonna cheer for me the most right ?"Jace asked

(Yeah XD If only it was an anime)
hace más de un año Nojida said…
"But of course" Dawn replies

(Yea, all those Pokemon were just stuffed plushies XP)
hace más de un año vegeta007 said…
"Thanks"Jace said kissing her cheek

(What ?XP)
(This is officially my favourite pic of my second favourite pokespe girl)
 "Thanks"Jace dicho besar her cheek (What ?XP) (This is officially my favourite pic of my segundo