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Pokemon The Unova Region Who do tu think is better Reshiram o Zekrom?

12 fans picked:
 pokemonzekrom posted hace más de un año
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Harpaw8 picked Reshiram:
Reshiram is way better the zekrom by far
posted hace más de un año.
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beepboop picked Zekrom:
Zem is better cuz he blends in with the darkness like me
posted hace más de un año.
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Kiraa_Killer picked Zekrom:
Zekrom is much better . It would beat Reshiram like nothing . And has higher defense than Reshiram and has higher attack power . And both dragons are weak against Ground, Reshiram is weak against Rock and Zekrom is weak against Ice, And Reshiram can't learn ice moves and Zekrom can learn Rock moves and Ground, so Zekrom wins, plus it's Outrage move .
posted hace más de un año.
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Pokemonfan011 picked Reshiram:
RESHIRAM. Zekrom gets the edge in atk. and def., but Reshiram gets the edge in both Sp. Atk. and Sp. Def. Reshiram has the better moveset by only 10 atk. pts., but fire vs. bug, grass, ice, steel. elec. vs. water and flying. plus, ice vs. dragon, ice is super-effecive, but not vs. fire. elec has no use vs. ice whatsoever.
posted hace más de un año.
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Reshiramdragon picked Reshiram:
posted hace más de un año.