timeless master of the treasures it buries and of the destiny of all the life it protects and massacres in its chaos.
the sand. dust of times.
discreet accomplice of silent births and deaths of billions of shells and skeletons.
the sun and its moon. lascivious in their clouds and their aurora borealis.
the rocks. the indestructible soldiers. the guardian angels.
me. am one of them. joined the band. so much isolating and yet comforting,
the sky may spit it its poison, whip it and tear it all up of its anger,
it’s always there, proud to be strong, faithful and true.
this is where it all began, where it’s being loved, where it hurts and where it will die.
A girl from nowhere I met,
She looked a real friend,
That is why our friendship will never end,
She bought lots of colores and laugh,
With me she was never tough,
She bought lots of flores with scents,
Which are priceless that oro cents,
As long as we are friends,
We don't need enemies, no lovers,
This beautiful relation that God created,
She has got beauty and grace,
And a very successful place,
She understands me fully,
I trust her truly,
Because she she is not a bully,
She makes my dreams look real,
And feel every emotion I feel,
We have a great bound,
Like we are tied together,
We never fought and that's true,
She came as a rayo, ray of light,
And made my days and nights very bright,
That's why we will never ever fight,
Cause God is holding us tight,
She is a true friend,
That is the reason why this relation will never end......
She looked a real friend,
That is why our friendship will never end,
She bought lots of colores and laugh,
With me she was never tough,
She bought lots of flores with scents,
Which are priceless that oro cents,
As long as we are friends,
We don't need enemies, no lovers,
This beautiful relation that God created,
She has got beauty and grace,
And a very successful place,
She understands me fully,
I trust her truly,
Because she she is not a bully,
She makes my dreams look real,
And feel every emotion I feel,
We have a great bound,
Like we are tied together,
We never fought and that's true,
She came as a rayo, ray of light,
And made my days and nights very bright,
That's why we will never ever fight,
Cause God is holding us tight,
She is a true friend,
That is the reason why this relation will never end......

are honest and deep,
tu don't fear.
tu speak the truth
without fear,
even though tu
might be hurt.
Truth is good
when there is
someone who
will listen.
Lies are for cowards,
people with disguise,
tu decide who tu are.
Speak the truth
even when tu doubt
that your words
might be twisted
por those who hear not!
Their laughter echo
in your mind,
tu decide who tu are.
Honesty is all yours,
wipe your tears out,
the laughter will
never stop,
for that's who they are,
and this is you,
remember, this is you.
fall into me
kiss me
tell me I am yours
come to me
be mine
follow me
save me from danger
save me from me
ill protect tu
ill keep tu seguro
ill be your guide
ill kill anything that harms tu
I will lead tu through the darkness
through the pain
be your confort
your protection
just be mine
I'll guard tu from the flames
the harsh cold
tu amaze me
be my girl
ill save tu
from anyone who'll hurt tu
i'll be your amor
If you'll be my baby
So sing with me
lyrics from all the songs
be with me forever
and when the horror comes
I will take tu from this world
I will stand por youSo stand por me to
tell me I mean as much to tu
as tu mean to me
deeply in amor with me
fall far
fall into my arms
fall forevermore
fall into me
kiss me
tell me I am yours
come to me
be mine
follow me
save me from danger
save me from me
ill protect tu
ill keep tu seguro
ill be your guide
ill kill anything that harms tu
I will lead tu through the darkness
through the pain
be your confort
your protection
just be mine
I'll guard tu from the flames
the harsh cold
tu amaze me
be my girl
ill save tu
from anyone who'll hurt tu
i'll be your amor
If you'll be my baby
So sing with me
lyrics from all the songs
be with me forever
and when the horror comes
I will take tu from this world
I will stand por youSo stand por me to
tell me I mean as much to tu
as tu mean to me
deeply in amor with me
fall far
fall into my arms
fall forevermore

I fell just before
I don't know why
Just couldn't walk anymore
Something in my way
Now my steps are smaller
a little smaller than before
So I will go to where the té trees
turn to wine
I'll be just fine
it takes a believer sometimes
So I will go to where the té trees are
Climbing over pregunta marks
need to straighten some out
Take them off my shoulder
put some el espacio between
So I will go to where
the té trees turn to wine
I'll be just fine
it takes a believer sometimes
I'm in a living hell
Seeing tu in amor with someone
And I know
I have to let tu go
Even if tu aren't time
It's my time......
My time to let tu go
To stop loving you
más then it should be
Falling más in amor with you
Then I thought I would have
Because every second
Every min
Every hour
Every day
Every week
Every month
Every year
I fall más in amor with you
No stop, we've been through this before
Be strong and mover on
Yeah.... I guess I have to.....
{If its amor he'll come back to you
I have to deal with it..
Seeing tu in amor with someone
And I know
I have to let tu go
Even if tu aren't time
It's my time......
My time to let tu go
To stop loving you
más then it should be
Falling más in amor with you
Then I thought I would have
Because every second
Every min
Every hour
Every day
Every week
Every month
Every year
I fall más in amor with you
No stop, we've been through this before
Be strong and mover on
Yeah.... I guess I have to.....
{If its amor he'll come back to you
I have to deal with it..
Why is there so much pain
Why wont it go away
Why cant we live
Why cant we smile
Why is there so much pain
Why is there so much pain
why wont it go away
Why cant tears stop falling
why cant people stop stalling
why is there so much pain
why is there so much pain
why wont it go away
why cant life win
Why cant we be one
why is there so much pain
Why is there so much pain
why wont it go away
why cant serial killers vanish
why cant disese disapear
why is there so much pain
why is there so much pain
why wont it go away
why cant death disinagrate
why cant it stop
why is there so much pain
Why wont it go away
Why cant we live
Why cant we smile
Why is there so much pain
Why is there so much pain
why wont it go away
Why cant tears stop falling
why cant people stop stalling
why is there so much pain
why is there so much pain
why wont it go away
why cant life win
Why cant we be one
why is there so much pain
Why is there so much pain
why wont it go away
why cant serial killers vanish
why cant disese disapear
why is there so much pain
why is there so much pain
why wont it go away
why cant death disinagrate
why cant it stop
why is there so much pain

I'd never felt so dead before
So cold, so pained, unbearably sore
I never thought I'd hurt like this
Without tu here, your murderous kiss
Without your hand to envelope mine
Without your voice, deep, divine
Without your dark, concealing eyes
Without your words, your venemous lies
I'd never thought of myself this way
So alone, every night, every ending day
I always saw my reflection siguiente to yours
But I'm in darkness, behind closed doors
Without your speech, always mysterious
Without your smile, making me delirious
I thought you'd stay forever, you'd care
But now all I remember is your hateful stare

Folie se déverse
Passionnée de tendresse
Brûlée de caresses
Au-delà du gouffre de mes faiblesses
Si près de Toi
Assoiffée de La Magie
Du puits de Ta Vie
Musique, tu me blesses ...
Un taureau se meurt à l'envers de mon univers
Un escorpión jouit à l'agonie sur ma peau
Un cancer langoureux danse dans ma chair
Un autre taureau s’est glissé sous mes ailes
MUSIQUE, de ta folie meurtrière
Tu m'enivre à en crever
Mais toute entière
Dieu, que je t'aime

do tu breathe the name
of your saviour in your hora of need
and taste the blame
if the flavour should remind tu of greed
of implication, insinuation and ill will
till' tu cannot lie still
in all this turmoil
before red cape and foil
come closing in for a kill
come feed the rain
’cause i'm thirsty for your amor
dancing underneath the skies of lust
yeah, feed the rain
’cause without your amor my life
ain't nothing but this carnival of rust
it's all a game, avoiding failure
when true colores will bleed
all in the name of misbehaviour
and the things we don't need
i lust for after no disaster can touch
touch us anymore
and más than ever
i hope to never fall, where enough
is not the same it was before
don't walk away, don't walk away
when the world is burning
don't walk away, don't walk away
when my corazón is yearning

i'm so confuses right now.
how i feel.
if its real o in my head.
if tu like me o is our fate just friends.
if tu do would tu tell me.
o keep it from me.
afrade that i dont feel the same.
i hope that if tu do that you'll tell me soon.
i'v falln hard for you.
tu dont have to tell me now but soon if tu do..
we'er spending navidad together
so that would be the perffect time to do so
to tell me that its not just in my head that tu like me back
that tu want me that way i want you.
okay this is just some free writting
plz tell me what u think about this
is it any good?
is it bad?
well thanks for the support lol =)
how i feel.
if its real o in my head.
if tu like me o is our fate just friends.
if tu do would tu tell me.
o keep it from me.
afrade that i dont feel the same.
i hope that if tu do that you'll tell me soon.
i'v falln hard for you.
tu dont have to tell me now but soon if tu do..
we'er spending navidad together
so that would be the perffect time to do so
to tell me that its not just in my head that tu like me back
that tu want me that way i want you.
okay this is just some free writting
plz tell me what u think about this
is it any good?
is it bad?
well thanks for the support lol =)
i beleive in amor like kids beleive in magic.
i beviele that there is someone for everyone out there.
i believe when i find him that i'll know he's the one when i see him.
that time will stop for what feels like forever.
i believe that when tu lose amor that they stay with tu for as long as tu need them.
that the world a little better when theres love.
that if people just amor a little they'd be happy.
that if people had amor they would look at life differint.
that everyone every where needs amor nomatter how old o how young.
okay so this is just alil free escritura i'm not really sure if its good o not so comentario and tell me plz =)
i beviele that there is someone for everyone out there.
i believe when i find him that i'll know he's the one when i see him.
that time will stop for what feels like forever.
i believe that when tu lose amor that they stay with tu for as long as tu need them.
that the world a little better when theres love.
that if people just amor a little they'd be happy.
that if people had amor they would look at life differint.
that everyone every where needs amor nomatter how old o how young.
okay so this is just alil free escritura i'm not really sure if its good o not so comentario and tell me plz =)

even them.
Stars each night give a sign,
like a dime.
colores everywhere,
is what i dare.
Each mes they even give a sigh,
of those great times.
Twinkles everywhere,
what i shall dare.
The música plays,
at every day.
The flor blooms,
their is no dooms.
Searching for the light,
shall not be a fright.
animales make a sound,
and im so proud.
Far away their can be someone,
even in london.
Their is probraly someone waiting for you,
and they care about you.
Wishes can come true,
what about you.
THANK tu FOR lectura IT!
your mood is like a thunderstorm,
it causes pain, but it seems so warm,
the destruction tu cause fills your life with flaws,
it doesn't seem right for tu to loose this fight,
tu deserve much más after the fragile corazón i tore,
the tornado is coming, preceded por the humming,
the humming of sorrow,
as tu fear to face tomorrow,
your life is filled with dread,
and on the inside tu are dead,
tu have held the anger inside,
the tornados coming we need to hide,
your rage breaks out from under,
like the rubble of the thunder,
it carries on through the night,
this lightning keeps flashing so bright,
through the flash i see tu are crying,
the segundo flash shows the dying,
has the world around us colasped,
o is this just a relap,
but now the storm has come to a stop,
perserverance came out on top,
tu stayed alive despite the pain,
but i fear the loss out-weighted the gain.
it causes pain, but it seems so warm,
the destruction tu cause fills your life with flaws,
it doesn't seem right for tu to loose this fight,
tu deserve much más after the fragile corazón i tore,
the tornado is coming, preceded por the humming,
the humming of sorrow,
as tu fear to face tomorrow,
your life is filled with dread,
and on the inside tu are dead,
tu have held the anger inside,
the tornados coming we need to hide,
your rage breaks out from under,
like the rubble of the thunder,
it carries on through the night,
this lightning keeps flashing so bright,
through the flash i see tu are crying,
the segundo flash shows the dying,
has the world around us colasped,
o is this just a relap,
but now the storm has come to a stop,
perserverance came out on top,
tu stayed alive despite the pain,
but i fear the loss out-weighted the gain.

Forget about the air,
Forget about her,
Forget about him,
Forget about life,
Forget about tonight,
Forget about tomorrow,
Forget about the ones tu loved,
Forget about the ones that loved you,
Forget about you,
Forget about me,
Forget about the lies,
Forget about the cries,
Forget about the ones tu hurt,
Forget about the ones that tu hurt,
Forget about where tu belong,
Forget about everyone,
Forget about everything,
And never turn back.

no one could save me but you
It's strange what desire
will make foolish people do
I never dreamed that I'd meet
somebody like you
I never dreamed I'd love
somebody like you
No I didn't want to fall in love
No I don't want to fall in amor with you
What a wicked game to play
To make me feel this way
What a wicked thing to do
To let me dream of you
What a wicked thing to say
tu never felt this way
What a wicked thing to do
To make me dream of you
And I don't want to fall in love
No I don't want to fall in amor with you
The world was on fuego and
no one could save me but you
It's strange what desire
will make foolish people do
I never dreamed that I'd amor somebody like you
I never dreamed that I'd lose somebody like you
amor is brittle madness
This world is only gonna break our hearts
But my corazón already fell … for you
(Written and performed por the great Chris Isaac)