Percy Jackson & The Olympians libros Club
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posted by ScienceWolf
Hello. My name is ScienceWolf. I amor the Percy Jackson books. I even have my own demi-god. She's a daughter of Zeus ( I made her up). This is my first story in this club btw. Have fun meeting my demi-god self: Kania Lyle.

*My eyes open*
Chiron: Hey, wake up! Come with me. *starts walking away*
Me: *groans and rubs eyes* Who are you?
Chiron: My name is Chiron. Please come with me.
Me: What's going on? What are tu doing?
*He takes me to a camp with other people and sits me por a pole*
Boy 1: Hi new camper! I'm Grover!
Girl 1: Hello. I'm Annabeth.
Girl 2: Oh, hey. I'm Clarisse.
Chiron: Follow me.
Me: Okay, what in the world is even going on? Why am I here?
* A boy pushes past Annabeth and looks at me with happy green eyes*
Boy 2: Hi! I'm Percy! I'm son of Poseidon!
Man: Everyone, give Kania some room! Come.
Me thinking: Okay. This is getting weird. Is this some god camp? Is everyone here children to the gods?
To be continued...
added by Natbr
Source: percyjackson-br
added by Natbr
Hestia’s PoV
I sit at the round table. Waiting. Zeus called me here to explain something, but I don’t think he's going to mostrar up. Click- Clack! His shoe clicks get louder as he gets closer. I'm not scared so I don't run. "Why did tu call me here? I need to attend to my duties, so make it quick" I demanded.

"We need to talk about your duties as the goddess of the hearth." Zeus remarked.

"I have done nothing wrong, so I do not know why tu called me here." I HATE it when Hera spreads rumors about me that aren’t true.

"Well according to Hermes, tu haven’t been doing your job correctly."...
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added by Natbr
added by Natbr
Source: percyjackson-br
added by Natbr
Source: percyjackson-br
added by percabeth4evo
Source: i'm not sure who drew it, but credit goes to the artist
added by Thaliahunter
Source: doodled at 12 am
added by geekyxsushi
added by Natbr
I stood shocked for a few moments. I couldn't believe it. I was claimed.

"Wait what?" I stammered.

"You are the daughter of Artemis," he dicho with proud look on his face, like the look my father never gave me.

Wait. Why did he say "the" like I was the only one. I looked around at the rest of the crowd. they all had looks of shock on their faces. Luke and the rest of the Hermes cabina had come to the range. Luke had the same expression as the rest of the crowd. They all look ed at me like I was some forbidden child.

Chiron walked forward. The hologram had faded por now.

"Come one. We need to get you...
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 Percy total 'Unsure' Face
Percy total 'Unsure' Face
Annabeth had lay in the hospital cama wearily holding her and Percy's new born baby. She smiled as she looked at the small child in her arms gently.
Percy paced nervously in the waiting room his stomach felt like it was tied in knots he felt dizzy but he felt the urge to pace, his friends and family were there waiting for the news his hands were shaking and Nico spoke up, "Percy...chill dude your over reacting..your gonna make yourself sick" Percy took a deep breath letting it out slowly as he replied, "sorry...i'm just nervous...its a new experience for me..." he cut himself off as the doctor...
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added by Emmalou13
added by Dancin4evah
posted by vlad_todd_fan
Obviously, read the parts before this first. And if u haven't read 'Continuation of Percy Jackson' u should read that before hand to.

I stepped out of the elevator into the lobby, and pushed myself through a crowd of tourists. I stepped into the chilly New York air and got a taxi. It pays to have mind powers. The driver drove up to the curb and the passenger walked out with her bags.
I sat inside. "Washington D.C. and step on it!" I yelled to the driver. He nodded his head and started driving way above the speed limit. He drove onto sidewalks and through red lightts and stop signs.
We got onto...
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added by Natbr
Source: percyjackson-br
Here's number six! I Don't own the story ot the characters, i just write stuff about them! (:

I hope tu enjoy!(:

He looked at me as if he knew I wasn’t lying, but didn’t want to admit it.
“That’s… crazy.” He dicho finally.
“Is it? What’s the most common thing gods did in the old stories? They ran around falling in amor with humans and having kids with them. Do tu think they’ve changed their habits in the last few millennia?”
“But those are just-,” he cut himself off and thought for a minute. I think he was beginning to catch on that all of us at camp half-blood were demigods....
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added by Natbr
posted by vlad_todd_fan
Read the parts before to understand. But tu probably already know that. :)

Percy POV
When I woke up with Annabeth in my arms we were on a train moving across the country side. "Good morning." I heard in my head. I dicho good morning back. I laid there with Annabeth in my arms, thinking. I wonder what would've happened if Michael didn't find us. I thought. We could've been at my house for those first three days and... probably be bored out of my mind. The truth was, it was fun on that quest. Minus Jillian getting killed and Michael having an eternal scar on his neck, it was fun never the less....
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