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Panty And media, media de la With Garterbelt Pregunta

What did tu think.......

What did tu think about this the first time tu watched it

I was like WTF I kinda like it but it`s also very odd
It`s like a kids mostrar but not for kids (how it looks)
 Itachi_lover posted hace más de un año
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Panty And media, media de la With Garterbelt Respuestas

bornthisway said:
I was not suprised.
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posted hace más de un año 
what do u mean
Itachi_lover posted hace más de un año
tu asked what I thought when I saw PASWG first time. I was not suprised por the show.
bornthisway posted hace más de un año
thechampishere said:
i was all like WTF...this is the weirdest shit in life!!! then i was all!!!!!
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posted hace más de un año 
It is good but the fist time is like is this the right anime?
Itachi_lover posted hace más de un año
AkiraTaifu said:
It was thinking, damn this is dirty, just watching the opening credits. But thats like the whole reason I watched the show!
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posted hace más de un año 
Yuri-esque said:
i was like wtf too, but i also thought it was funny. :D
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posted hace más de un año 
Katherine1517 said:
Well, judging that Panty and media, media de la with Garterbelt is a Gainax series, I kind of knew what I was getting into. I found the anime to be an excellent parody of American animación and the crude humor was a nice touch to the series. I really enjoyed it. :)
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posted hace más de un año 
I didn't know much about it so it was strange but it was really good i did also enjoy a lot now they just have to make another season
Itachi_lover posted hace más de un año
PantyorStocking said:
now when tu look at it its an extremely unique anime/cartoon the reason why I say that is they add bits and pieces of and anime into a cartoon. its the only animated mostrar that ive ever seen do that, and before this I never thought it existed. and the way I think of this shows animations it has the en general, general body work of samurai jack and the details of naruto. it also defies all the standard stereotypes of angels, nice, caring, non-sinful, all that bullshit which I guarantee tu they rarely mostrar any of during this show.
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posted hace más de un año 
TheLefteris24 said:
Well,It Was Really Odd But Also Awesome At The Same Time.So...Yeah,I Felt The Same !!!!
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posted hace más de un año 
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