Palindromes Club
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posted by Pennypatch321
Wondering what a palindrome is? Well, it is a word o a phrase that says the same thing adelante, hacia adelante and backward! They can involve spaces, but they don't have to. Here are a couple examples with spaces...

Otto sees Otto
Rats live on no evil star

As tu can see, Otto spelled backwards is still Otto. Sees, sees. Rats, star. Live, evil. On no. They look like they are kind of mirrored. (sees cut in the middle; se es).

However, there are palindromes that don't quite involve spaces. tu would have to take the spaces out and add them in as tu are spelling them backwards. Here are some of those examples...

Race fast seguro car
A Toyota's a Toyota
Race fast seguro car

These don't look like they are mirrored, however, if tu go from the end to the front, and add the spaces in, tu will get the same thing.

Well, that is what a palindrome is. If tu would like más technical information click on the following link: