noragami noragami icono Contest! Round 3: Red

pumpkinqueen posted on Jun 20, 2015 at 04:39PM

-You are given one week to create an icon.
-The entry should be about the theme given.
-You must submit your entry before the deadline.
-All icon entries must be square.
-All icon entries must have a size between 100x100 or 200x200.
-All icon entries must be made yourself.
-Icons that do not follow the said format will not be included in the polls.
-You cannot vote for yourself.
-Polls will be posted once the new round starts.
-The polls will be open for a week.
-The winner will choose the theme for the next round.
-In case a tie happens, there will be a tiebreaker.
-Tiebreaker polls will be open for 2 days.
-In case a tiebreaker poll's result is still tied, the winners shall be given 5 props each and will decide the theme for the next round together.
-The winner cannot choose a theme that has been chosen previously.
-If the winner does not give me the theme by the deadline, I'll give it.
-Most of all, have fun and be fair! :)


-The winner will be given a prop.
-The winner will be given the right to choose the next theme.
-If I win, I'll only choose the theme, but get no props.

NOTE! The themes for the first three rounds will be given by me so a new round can start while waiting for the poll of the previous one to conclude the winner.

Those are the only things you have to check. Any icon can be included in the polls as long as it's square, resized to any size between 100x100 and 200x200 and corresponds to the theme. It won't be my fault if your icon won't be included in the polls if you don't follow the rules.


Round 1: Yato

Round 2: Hair

Round 3: Red
last edited on Jul 29, 2015 at 04:42AM

noragami 14 respuestas

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hace más de un año pumpkinqueen said…
Mine. :)
last edited hace más de un año
 Mine. :)
hace más de un año Cheng_Cheng said…
hace más de un año pumpkinqueen said…
I will wait until at least four people have entered before I make the poll.
hace más de un año Neko-Tohka said…
Here's mine~
 Here's mine~
hace más de un año hetalianstella said…
Here you go~
 Here tu go~
hace más de un año pumpkinqueen said…
Round 1 is CLOSED

Vote link

Round 2 is OPEN

Theme: Hair
last edited hace más de un año
hace más de un año pumpkinqueen said…
Bisha. <3
last edited hace más de un año
 Bisha. <3
hace más de un año simpleplan said…
hace más de un año Cheng_Cheng said…
hace más de un año pumpkinqueen said…
Round 2 is now CLOSED

Vote link

Round 3 is now OPEN

Theme: Red
last edited hace más de un año
hace más de un año pumpkinqueen said…
last edited hace más de un año
hace más de un año Cheng_Cheng said…
hace más de un año SkittleJerky14 said…

pumpkinqueen commented…
it needs to be square, and between 100x100 and 200x200. hace más de un año
Cheng_Cheng commented…
Isn't it 200x200? hace más de un año
SkittleJerky14 commented…
Yeah, it is. hace más de un año
SkittleJerky14 commented…
if tu look it kinda lines up with the rest. hace más de un año
hace más de un año simpleplan said…