Nightcrawler Club
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Here I will try to explain why Kurt Wagner - Nightcrawler is one of my favorito! characters of all time.

The first I ever saw of Nightcrawler was on the cover of an X-Men comic book I borrowed from my aunt and I liked the fact that he looked so much enfriador, refrigerador than everyone else but since I couldn't read that well at the time I didn't even know what his name was.

Then a few years later I turned on the TV and there was a trailer for the new mostrar X-Men: Evolution and I was very excied about it since I loved the first X-Men animated mostrar and I hadn't seen Nightcrawler in it, Anyway after watching the...
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added by MidNightX_X
Source: lol another tumblr, i give credit to who ever made it
added by funkyrach01
Source: Marvel Database
added by MidNightX_X
Source: roadkillfox
added by NaokoTendou
added by MidNightX_X
Source: to the artist ( unknown)
added by NaokoTendou
added by MidNightX_X
added by MidNightX_X
Source: no idea, got it from tumblr
added by funkyrach01
Source: Marvel Database
added by MidNightX_X
Source: To the person who was asked to draw the comic
added by StarWanderer
added by MidNightX_X
Source: xxjust-a-nobodyxx
added by MidNightX_X
Source: prima01
added by xxshannen1xx
Source: xxshannen1xx
added by xxshannen1xx
Source: xxshannen1xx
added by MidNightX_X
Source: Deviant artitist : outerglow
added by funkyrach01
Source: Marvel Database
added by StarWanderer
x men
comics de marvel
pete holmes
ex men
kurt wagner
professor x
charles xavier
added by xxshannen1xx
Source: marvel