Humphrey kept driving away from which used to be his and Kate's house. "How the fuck could sh do this to me!?" Humphrey thought in his head, eyes still filled with tears. Then he remembered Lily. "How is she gonna take it? Finding out her husband was cheating on her. She has to find out eventually..." He dicho to himself. He pulled into Lily's drive way and got out of the car and walked pitifully to her door and knocked. Lily rushed to the door and opened it to see Humphrey in tears. She didn't say a word and took him inside and sat him on the couch. Lily sat siguiente to him and dicho softly, "did tu find anything out?" Humphrey looked at her and dicho in a apologetic tone "yes i did, and i wish i would've never seen it. He was having sex with Kate..." Lily gasped and dicho in a worried tone "really?" Humphrey nodded slowly and looked at her. Lily then broke into tears and cried into Humphrey's chest and he held her.