Mighty Morphin Power Rangers If kimberly did not leave would she had stayed a Power ranger much longer o who she had decided not to continue

AndreaTiffany12 posted on Sep 08, 2016 at 08:42AM
Give me your thoughts . .

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers 1 reply

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hace más de un año HoltNLucy4Ever said…
Kimberly would have continued her relationship with Tommy and been with him when he met David. She would have also been the one to get the Pink Zeo Crystal and become the Pink Zeo Ranger instead of Katherine. Everything that Katherine did would have belonged to Kimberly.
 Kimberly would have continued her relationship with Tommy and been with him when he met David. She wo
AndreaTiffany12 commented…
Yes if she stayed the relationship would have developed for her character yes she be in zeo and maybe in turbo hace más de un año