Make Your Own Warrior Cat! Wall

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catlover1999 dicho …
and his kits had dark destinies as well, bad intentions rose and soured Rock Clan, there is a great evil in the mountains and it wont stop till his off spring that has lasted many many generations die out and it will not happen anytime soon unless they are killed, the evil must go back into dark forest, estrella Clan willing. 03/03 publicado hace más de un año
catlover1999 dicho …
If Deadeye went into power the mountains would've crumbled as the medicine cat, Crystalpelt explained, and the four clans of the mountain would be no more, Mountain Clan, Rock Clan, Lake Clan, and Ice Clan would be wiped off the face of this earth forever. Deadeye's son Longtooth took revenge and snuck up on Crystalpelt while she was getting herbs from the waterfalls where the gatherings took place killed her in cold blood, and he made sure no one knew, he became leader 02/03 publicado hace más de un año
catlover1999 dicho …
Why are Mountain Clan and Rock Clan at war? A long time ago, the deputy of Rock Clan, Deadeye wanted to take power of Mountain Clan, well Lightstar of my clan wouldn't let it happen so she confronted him and they fought while the warriors of both clans stood in a circulo, círculo while they fought, Lightstar won and Deadeye died, Rock Clan demanded that the medicine cat of that time to heal him before he died but she refused because estrella Clan dicho no this is how the mountains will stand 01/02 publicado hace más de un año
catlover1999 dicho …
I am spiderstar leader of mountain clan
my left eye is blue my right eye is red
my pelt is brown but my paws to the middle of my legs are black
the tip of my ears are black as with my tail
my teeth are abnormally long
i have a scar going from my right ripped ear to my mouth
my enemy clan is Rock clan, we've been at war since before i was even a kit, i've known nothing but war, i have to go to the parte superior, arriba of rumbling mountain to catch prey.
Tall rock is where i speak to estrella clan publicado hace más de un año
twinklestar11 dicho …
hello. Im Moonpaw. that is my warrior cat name,
Im a she-cat
I have black on the sides of my ears.
My face and body is gray.
My eyes are green.
i have black hair in the front of my face.
I have a black neck.
I have black "socks" and black on the tip of my tail.
see the pictures to see what it looks like publicado hace más de un año
Pepperkitty dicho …
Hello! publicado hace más de un año
CheetahFrost dicho …
Hi I am CheetahFrost deputy of BearClan! publicado hace más de un año
FalconStar dicho …
retrying this now
HalfMoon silvery white she cat with light gray paws nose and tail tip publicado hace más de un año
FalconStar comentó…
BO YA did it right this time hace más de un año
Jayspring08 comentó…
Hate 2 brake it to u, but its Half moon hace más de un año
FalconStar comentó…
hate life -_- hace más de un año
angelswing dicho …
ángeles wing white with black patterns on sides to look like wings publicado hace más de un año
Nightstar12356 dicho …
This is awesome!!Just saying,what if we were in one of Erin's books!! publicado hace más de un año
amberclaw30 comentó…
OMG THAT WOULD BE THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hace más de un año
OriLeah dicho …
Wussup im the biggest warrior fan my fav cat is HOLLYLEAF!!!!! WOOOO HOLLYLEAF!!!! anyways, this is my motto: "I was lonely" She shrugged. "You have a friend" he insisted. "Right here"

-HollyLeaf and Fallen Leaves publicado hace más de un año
Hatsune_MikuABC dicho …
Okai here is mah

Name: MikuHeart
Kits:none XD
Look:Blue with verde azulado, trullo, teal eyes publicado hace más de un año
Squirrelflightx comentó…
legit xD hola mikuheart hace más de un año
tawnypelt445 dicho …
ill tell u about myself.

Name: Doveshine
Clan: Oceanclan
Rank: Deputy and former queen
Kits: Ravenkit, Hollykit, Shadow kit
Appearance: white and silvery pelaje, piel with small gray paws, and sky blue eyes. Is a medium cat, part black cat and part tortuga shell. Is a great swimmer, and can climb trees really well. Hunts very well. Has a white nose with a black spot on it looking like a dove. Has a strong connection with Starclan. publicado hace más de un año
ben15delas dicho …
Cool:) publicado hace más de un año
Warriorcatstar dicho …
Are we suppose to add acesseries publicado hace más de un año
Snakeorapter dicho …
I would like to tell tu about my self. I Am Wildstar,leader of SnowClan. Im a a Silver Main coon with Dark gray stripes. i have a long scar on my left arm from a hawk attack when i lived on a twoleg fame when i was a kit, i don't really like talking about the past. My sister Foxfur, is SnowClan dep. that has pelaje, piel like a fox. She has a scars on here flank from the same hawk attack. my youngest sister is Blacksnow.SnowClan med. She is a Black and White She cat. publicado hace más de un año
Snakeorapter comentó…
O my Eyes are Pool blue and Pine green. if u are a loner o a rouge and u want to be in a clan u can registrarse Snowclan. if u registrarse plz tell me about u. Thx for lissing hace más de un año
Maplewhisker dicho …
See I told tu I talk to much, anyways my brother (Whiteleaf) is white with amber eyes and my sister (Mosspelt) is a light grey she-cat with green eyes. AND guess what! My mom is the leader her name is Tinystar, she is a black she-cat with amber eyes (Just like ME!) and my father... he died :( he use to be the best fighter ever but when I was just a kit he died, anyways I want to be as good of a fighter so in starclan my father could be proud of me. Oh I forgot my clan is Thunderclan, Bye! publicado hace más de un año
Honeytail comentó…
J'aime des chats guerriers tellement! hace más de un año
Honeytail comentó…
I amor warrior gatos so much! hace más de un año
Honeytail comentó…
I'm learning French. hace más de un año
Maplewhisker dicho …
Hi! I'm so happy tu came! Okay, here a little about me but before I start, I like to talk a lot so stop me when I have made tu fall asleep OK! Let's start... My name is Maplewhisker. I'm a black she-cat with dark amber eyes, I have scars on my long tail and one scar going across my amber eye-- Yes, I do have a sister, WAIT! Your not going to leave me and go talk to my sister, are' ya. That's good your not anyways back to me. I have a brother named Whiteleaf and a sister named Mosspelt, publicado hace más de un año
WhiteLeopard dicho …
Ok here's a little about me....I am Whiteleopard warrior of Riverclan. I am white with unusel black dots,circles,and half circles.I have cunning blue/purple eyes like my mother Lakeflight of Riverclan,My dad is Scratchfur of Shadowclan.My sisters are Creekfall and Silverfire. My mate is Lioncane,we don't have any kits...YET publicado hace más de un año
Rainwish comentó…
hI I am new hace más de un año
leylaemerald292 dicho …
Well, hello there, fellow clanmate! so tu want to know más about me? Ok then! My names Creekheart, deputy of RiverClan, and as tu can see, I have a tortiseshell pelt, like Spottedleaf of ThunderClan! I have stunning amber eyes, just like my father, Tigerclaw of ThunderClan. Some say I have my mothers, Honeypelt of RiverClan, hazel eyes. My sister, Puddlefur, and my brother, Bumblefur, both are amazing warriors. My kits are Dapplekit, Breezekit, and Longkit. Oops! Looks like I've got to go! publicado hace más de un año
smallstar111 dicho …
Please make me rember im smallstar a savanah she-cat with amber eyes publicado hace más de un año
smallstar111 comentó…
Sorry i ment remember hace más de un año
Snakeorapter comentó…
Hello Smallstar im Wildstar, leader of SnowClan. I must ask why is your name Smallstar if savanahs are big? What Clan leader are You? hace más de un año
AtomicWolfSong dicho …
Hello! I'm Mintfoot. I am a dark gray she-cat w/ white legs (only up to my knees), white tail-tip, and white-furred scar from the back of my neck to my left shoulder. My eyes are forest green. My sibling is Rainfall, my mother is Firelight, my father is Blizzardclaw, and my mate is a white RiverClan tom w/ black ears, forelegs, and tail (can someone help me with a name for him?), even though my Clan is ThunderClan. publicado hace más de un año
AtomicWolfSong comentó…
My Prophecy is: "Six gatos born from thunder, river, and shadow will change the fate of the Clans. But evil follows on a whisper from claws and bites." hace más de un año
smallstar111 comentó…
Im smallstar a spotted savanah she-cat also my eyes are amber hace más de un año
WhiteLeopard comentó…
what about windclan hace más de un año
awesomecheese dicho …
I'm Wolfsong. I'm a pure silver she-cat with sea green eyes. My parents are Lionblaze and Cinderheart. Cinderheart thought I was dead so she buried me and I fell into the tunnels and was found por Fallen Leaves and brought to river clan publicado hace más de un año
wolfpack242 dicho …
my name is frostfang. my sisters names are willowpelt,fernheart,and skypaw. my moms name is stormbreeze. my mate is hawktalon. our clan is thunderclan. my dads name is blackstripe. my brothers names are thornclaw,and ligthingstrike. there clan is shadowclan. publicado hace más de un año
wolfpack242 comentó…
is it wrong that my parents are from diffrent clans hace más de un año
PrettyWitch comentó…
nopeish. :) i think its kinda sweet. :) hace más de un año
wolfpack242 comentó…
thank all of tu guys cause ive been sad lately and when i read all of your coments made me happy again and btw i was taken out of thunderclan and i am now in moonclan hace más de un año
PrettyWitch dicho …
is it wrong, to draw my cat as a warrior? publicado hace más de un año
Bramblenose comentó…
no it is not. hace más de un año
Moonfrost00 comentó…
I don't see anything wrong with it... hace más de un año
Stormpaw dicho …
hi publicado hace más de un año
Luckyfan2011 dicho …
This club is so far the best warrior gatos I've been in! publicado hace más de un año
Fairstepshaven dicho …
Well, since people are....... describing their cat's lineages, I think I will too :3.
Name's Fairstep. My clan is LightningClan. My brother is Stormfeather, my sister is Starbelly. My mother is Rainbowswirl, and my father is Briskbreeze. My mate is Bramblefrost, and my kits are Cherryflight, Tawnyleaf, Rainstorm, Garnetsky, and Sapphireshores. My kit, Cherryflight's kits are Sideways, Joltheart, Breakaway, and Colorflight. lol carried away........ oh, and, welcome all new members!! publicado hace más de un año
Rainstrike dicho …
My name is Rainstrike! My clan is Foxclan, My sister is Mosswillow, my mother is Hollystem, and my father is Nightstar! publicado hace más de un año
randomgurl22 dicho …
my name is hollystar! my clan is stormclan publicado hace más de un año
humphrey321 dicho …
can some one tell me how to make your(MY) cat very cool?!?! publicado hace más de un año
humphrey321 comentó…
HELLO!!! hace más de un año
motochika comentó…
what tu could od is go on deiviant art and color in what tu want ur cat to look like! (make sure to give credit! :3) hace más de un año
darkclaw718 dicho …
HOW DO I MAKE A WARRIOR?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? publicado hace más de un año
InvadaMiz comentó…
This is how I do it :) 1.Draw a unique looking cat. 2.Think of a unique name. 3.Add unique characteristics. And ur done! hace más de un año
darkclaw718 comentó…
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hace más de un año
lildarlin99 dicho …
WARRIOR gatos RP!! link plz registrarse any clan with at least 2 other gatos publicado hace más de un año
humphrey321 comentó…
tell me one good resond i shod jion hace más de un año
lildarlin99 comentó…
its free?(no not that) ah, well its not very popularim just doing some advertising really but its easy to get to know ppl and i know most the ppl irl. its fun and tu can choose ur desteny :l (yeah) hace más de un año
drbn dicho …
IM SHADOWCLAN publicado hace más de un año
drbn dicho …
Mines will be a oro cat with dark naranja stripes and white tummy and
white face. his name will be Goldstripe publicado hace más de un año
-Felicia- dicho …
can i be a cat too?
publicado hace más de un año
-Felicia- comentó…
hola no one is answering me!! hace más de un año
wolfpack242 comentó…
sure hace más de un año
Skyheart_4 dicho …
im wth ravenpawrox i dont knoe how either can some one tell me plz publicado hace más de un año
ravenpawrox dicho …
cool how do u make ur own warrior cat publicado hace más de un año
Dawnstripe comentó…
yeah i want to know how too. hace más de un año
ravenpawrox comentó…
i found out this is how u draw it on paint hace más de un año
SnowWing dicho …
im in a clan and me and my friend are having a competition she has 83 and i only have 32 i at least want a chance to beat her she keeps braging plz registrarse here is the link link publicado hace más de un año
ravenpawrox comentó…
i will registrarse hace más de un año
ravenpawrox comentó…
teehee hace más de un año
lepetandpebbles dicho …
I amor warriors. =) It is my fav. series and my favorito! charrie is........ Crowfeather and Feathertail :D publicado hace más de un año
carenwang90 dicho …
I'm just made a scary Warrior cat called MidnightClaw and the most popular thing, he have a crescent moon-like tail tip which can slice, cut and slash others publicado hace más de un año
carenwang90 dicho …
Because this is spot to mostrar off my warrior cat, then I can post anything about my warrior cat? And can I make a warrior cat with más fantasía appear? publicado hace más de un año
carenwang90 dicho …
I was made a warrior cat but having a más fantasía appeal publicado hace más de un año
scarefire64 dicho …
oh yea and poniesaremybffs that dosnt work i tryed it 5 times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! publicado hace más de un año
scarefire64 dicho …
i know this has nothing to do with this page but how do u make a page?? tell me as soon as posible thnx :3 publicado hace más de un año
carenwang90 comentó…
Go to inicial page, then select "New Club" hace más de un año
poniesaremybffs dicho …
1. say your name ten times.
2. say your mom's name five times.
.........3. say your crushes three times.
4. paste this to four other groups.
...If tu do this, your crush will kiss tu on the nearest Friday.
......But if tu read this and do not paste this, then tu
will have very bad luck.
publicado hace más de un año
scarefire64 comentó…
that dosnt work i tryed it 5 times!!!!!!!!!! hace más de un año
Pebbleheart comentó…
taylor taylor taylor taylor taylor taylor taylor taylor taylor taylor crissy crissy crissy crissy crissy chad chad chad hace más de un año
sonicfanAG dicho …
i am the cute looking shadefur! XD publicado hace más de un año
AuraraSohma dicho …
link we need más gatos please join!!!!!!!! P.S. on there is my warrior name is Shadowstar leader of Thunderclan publicado hace más de un año
smartone123 dicho …
stormbreeze here,she says to stay away from drugs and jungleclan thank tu publicado hace más de un año
shadowlover3000 dicho …
I am Shadowheart publicado hace más de un año
crowfeather dicho …
i amor warrior gatos publicado hace más de un año
Silverstar-cat dicho …
I like this club!
-Sliverstar publicado hace más de un año
Shaquita-Ann comentó…
I LIKE IT 2!!!! hace más de un año
PhoenixRoyale dicho …
Interesting...8D publicado hace más de un año
Shaquita-Ann comentó…
im not noo no mor hace más de un año
Shaquita-Ann dicho …
hi, im new 2 this club!im Shaquita-Ann! click here 2 meet me! publicado hace más de un año