Make Your Own Warrior Cat! Club
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added by Foxwhisker
added by WhiteLeopard
Source: WhiteLeopard
added by smartone123
Source: me
posted by warriorcats123
It was a tragic día when thunder, wind, shadow and river clan all left the full of prey land.But under all that sorrow and death built a new and stronger clan STORM clan with respectful, loyal, and bravest gatos ever!

Leader-bluestorm is a gray blue she-cat with lima, cal green eyes

1.Willowclaw- is a pure white she-cat with blue eyes
2.Blackpelet-is a black and white Tom with amber eyes
3.Bluefur-dark gray with left back leg and left front leg black and lima, cal green eyes
3.Ashfoot-dark gray, light gray, and black mixed with yellow golden eyes
4.Blacktail-all white with black tail and brown eyes...
continue reading...
added by Echosoul123
Source: Echosoul123 (me)
added by nosestar
added by 27pipsap
Source: Sliver Night
added by shadowfurr
added by Sagepelt
added by NightFur101
Source: estrella Kit
added by warriorcats147
added by StarWarrior
added by Frorstyheart10
added by PercyJacksonluv
Source: sdxDS
added by ravenpawrox
Source: me
added by Seapaw
added by Nightstar12356
added by WhiteLeopard
Source: WhiteLeopard
posted by octaviavsdjpon3
 bluestar is my favorito! cat
bluestar is my favorite cat
bluestar is a cat from thunderclan
her age is 78 moons(6.5 years)
her death was drownding she faked death to get away from starclan.he has a few names.
kit: bluekit
apprentice: bluepaw
warrior: bluefur
queen: bluefur
deputy: bluefur
leader: bluestar
those are all the names....
now her family.
father: stormtail
mother: moonflower
sister: snowfur
mate: oakheart
son: stonefur
daughters: mistystar, mosskit
that's all of her family:)
now for the education gatos for her:)
mentor(s): stonepelt, sunstar
apprentice(s): frostfur, runningwind, and
leader position:)
preceded by: sunstar
succeeded bye: firestar
deputy position:)
preceded by: tawnyspots
succeeded by: redtail
added by Hawkears
Source: Me on old school paint