lucy lawless
lucy lawless Wall
mostrando 1-8 entradas de muro de 8

dicho …
My name is Darrell. I loved tu in Xena Princess warrior but I like tu más in Spartacus . I think tu look a lot like faith Adams another talented actress in different ways.Both of tu being two of the most beautiful and sexiest women in the world.
publicado hace más de un año

dicho …
Lucy please come to Greece for a concert!!! I will be the first who will come! amor YOU! <3<3
publicado hace más de un año


dicho …
Hello lucy, my name is latoya and i'm from Washington, D.C. tu are a wonderful person and a skilled actress. The fans and i would amor to see a Xena movie, so don't wait until you're too old to play in thought i heard tu say once that tu were not interested in making the movie but don't quote me on it. If tu are not, please reconsider. We amor tu and Renee....hope to see tu again in the near future
publicado hace más de un año


dicho …
If tu live in Indonesia, I am the first person who will always visit your home. Ha ha ha... :-p
publicado hace más de un año

dicho …
Lucy! tu are a great and beautiful actress! tu have a wonderful voice, so don't stop the canto girl! tu are sooo funny too! Don't ever lose your since of humor! Hope to see tu soon in future films! And me starting (Trying) to become an actress, it would be great to work with you!
publicado hace más de un año