Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole RP Club
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added by ivanovic
added by linuxrules247
Source: inicial collection
posted by caoimhenaggy
When a hawk raised por humans is made share a pen with a blind black granero owl he is introduced to things he thought never existed..
Hell=earth any owl that was born on erth is called a hellrider .owls die in hell are transported to saor
Saor=saor is a land in the moon only travelled to por a owl it was created at the dawn of time por magic dado to the owls por god
Cor=group trained por the black owl to control dultra (elements).it is a group of 6 owls
Caomhnoir =elders of soar

Whe the black owl took the hawk to soar she taught the hawk about the deep magic and about the caomhnoir who created soar and trained heros and warrior
The owl learned the art of dultra and trained the cor and a army on the one dultra cruach.
She brought the army the earth and using deep magic she took over the world and put animales on top. the comhnoir couldn’t stop her. Black owl made the world perfect.she didn’t kill humans but brought balance to the world aga
added by ivanovic
posted by gylfie
 author: hannah jenny
author: hannah jenny
every week i write a new story of my life, last week i was with my brother galano, here is what happened...

my brother was hunting outside, when he finally caught our supper, kanto, a large rattler snake took it, and now our parents are hunting him down...?
" i don't see him anywhere, he has vanished," dicho my mother talia
" don't give up my love, our children will starve if we don't catch him, "
" he's probably going to be very big, should we go and find some granero o great grey owls, they are bigger and can catch that big monstrosity," dicho talia
" good idea" they both flew off to the...
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posted by gylfie
~ gylfie~
hello, my name is gylfie, tu may know me as the beloved navigational ryb of the great ga'hoole tree. many of tu probably have not heard of my life before being chicknapped por the evil saint aegolius orphanage, during these new newspapers in the great tree, i will give tu a new articulo every week, first, my story starts in a cactus hollow in the desert of Kuneer. my brother, Galano was hunting right outside the hollow...

" ohhh!!!, come out tu little pest.." yelled Galano
" what is wrong Galano? rata got your tongue?"
" oh be quiet gylfie, tu wouldn't know, tu can't even fly yet!"...
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added by ivanovic
added by ivanovic
added by ivanovic
added by ivanovic
added by ivanovic
added by ivanovic
added by alpha7272
added by jaydehedgehog
added by tengshu
added by ivanovic