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Kyoukai no Kanata Pregunta

How did tu discover "Kyoukai no Kanata"?

 Gwiazdeczka posted hace más de un año
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Kyoukai no Kanata Respuestas

Neko-Tohka said:
I discovered it on Tumblr.
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posted hace más de un año 
meliblack said:
fanpop :p
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posted hace más de un año 
FuyuumiAmakusa said:
I was surfing the net and I just happened to stumble upon this newly-released anime. And from there I decided to give this anime a try and I felt great for doing so! (≧∇≦)/
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posted hace más de un año 
conan_cacai said:
looking for a good anime to watch since it's sembreak in our university, then found this among the new releases... I just held ordinary cause but got an extraordinary outcome~thanks to this anime (well, it's originally a light novel, right?)
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posted hace más de un año 
aquadroplett said:
i try to keep tabs on any new anime that comes out
never the less its FABULOUS
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posted hace más de un año 
anifanfreak said:
I am a Member of my School anime Club and this was one of the Anime's We watched during a club meet. I loved it so much I continued it at inicial and now I'm depressed as all hell :D
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posted hace más de un año 
Mizuki07 said:
I saw posts on tumblr and found them so amazingly funny that i decided i wanted to watch it. I watched it in two days and loved it <3
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posted hace más de un año 
LeviTheAckerman said:
Everyone at school was at a field trip for the whole día except me and a couple of people. Someone who watched anime sat beside me while I watched noragami and put this mostrar on. I LOVED IT.
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 Everyone at school was at a field trip for the whole día except me and a couple of people. Someone who watched anime sat beside me while I watched noragami and put this mostrar on. I LOVED IT.
posted hace más de un año 
MaryZaki said:
I wrote unconditional amor on YouTube and this anime came up.
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posted hace más de un año 
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