Happy Valentines día fellow fangirls! *Idea* Aww... we should have made a gaint card for Kowalski! Sigh...there is always siguiente year.
publicado hace más de un año
awwwwww what a sweet video! i agree with tu that we are ángeles falling from the sky , tu are the coolest pingüino, pingüino de everrrrrhace más de un año
l haven't seen this club in SO long.. What is going on girls? What are tu talking about?? Me of course heheh.. ;P Bu seriously. what DO tu girls talk about?.. Other than myself and what you'd like to do to me?..
And yes, l suppose l am SOMEWHAT teasing tu girls heheh. BUT l am taken so tu can't touch me on certain places!!
But l DO thank tu all for being my fans heheh. Keep it up!
publicado hace más de un año
Alright, I admit it! I'm a Kowalski fangirl!!! What can I say, I'm attracted to brains. Plus he's good looking. I've come out of the closet with this! I'm a Kowalski FANGIRL!!! But I'm not obsessed like some are...no offense.
publicado hace más de un año
*Lalalalala* *sees comment* Are tu being suspicious of me? Hahaha Just kidding! Still Kowalski world would make an amazing fan art. Hmmm *Searches for artist*hace más de un año
I just had an idea. tu know how in Idiana Jones teaches an archeology class and the room is filled with his fangirls...What if Kowalski taught a Chemistry class? It would be so awesome, although some fangirls would need to be chained down.
publicado hace más de un año
Here's what I think of Kowalski, in spanish, and i used google translater to say it: Kowalski es el más caliente de los pingüinos y personaje en la serie, sin lugar a dudas. Se podría incluso decir que lo amo tanto que me gusta que lo amo.
publicado hace más de un año
XD hello. i believe im the only one comming here now other than a few people so......THE CLUB IS MIIIIIINE! xD no just kidding
publicado hace más de un año
lol i cant stop thinking of Kowalski! i keep calling my cat Kowalski instead of Kitty!! XD I keep going like "Kowa- uh i mean Kitty!" XD
publicado hace más de un año
WOW!!! Did anyone else see the encuesta that i put up? The one about the perfect spot to possibly kiss Kowalski? *blushes*
publicado hace más de un año
yes. i even made a picture!!!! (its of me and kowalski kissing. ^-^) even look at it in the Photos. im posting it right now. (To Kowalski: ♥-♥)hace más de un año
hola everyone! I have a favor to ask tu all... registrarse THIS SPOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE! Its dead over here! If tu like (or love) Kowlaski,then do yourself a favor... registrarse THIS AWESOME SPOT!!! thank you. XD
publicado hace más de un año
lol, i'm listening to the song Fallin for tu and i think of Kowalski every time i hear the word amor o hear this song... XD No, really!!
publicado hace más de un año
OMG! Now tu got me thinking about Kowalski every time I listen to that song now. It would be a GREAT song for a Dorski vid (that's if they ever plan on mostrando Doris and having Kowalski interact with her) (^_^)hace más de un año