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Kim Possible Based on the ending of Graduation, would tu say that Shego/Drakken is canon?

15 fans picked:
I'm not sure
 zanhar1 posted hace más de un año
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MalloMar picked I'm not sure:
I want to say yes.
I sort of tried to not ship this, but...Okay, fine. Guilty fan. I like this couple and no one can tell me otherwise. -_-
posted hace más de un año.
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zanhar1 picked Yes:
I'm not too sure myself. But I feel like it was kind of hinted that they were; I mean between the bit with them going for the hug, Warmonga taking jabs at how "you were threatened by my arrival", Kim's "see, you do care", and eventually the flower hug in the end. I mean up until that point the flower-vine-thing, only moved at Drakken's command.
posted hace más de un año.
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harm123 picked Yes:
I ship it
posted hace más de un año.