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Josef Kostan are tu mad at CBS for canceling the siguiente season of Moonlight?

63 fans picked:
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 moonlightmick posted hace más de un año
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JosefS_girl24 picked yes!!!:
Duh!! I want Josef, and I want him NOW!!
posted hace más de un año.
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Sharingan226 picked yes!!!:
I still can't figure out WHY they cancelled it!
posted hace más de un año.
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VMars4ever picked yes!!!:
They cancelled it? Why the hell would they do that?
posted hace más de un año.
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thevampiregirl picked yes!!!:
cbs can go die...

i want more vampire boys =)
posted hace más de un año.
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JosefS_girl24 picked yes!!!:
CBS can go rot in hel-... the TAR PITS!!!
posted hace más de un año.
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edwardcullen23 picked yes!!!:
I was pissed!
posted hace más de un año.
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LionLambForever picked yes!!!:
why the HELL did they cancel moonlight??? that was seriously the best show i have EVER seen!! ARGHH!!!!
posted hace más de un año.
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Mayu54 picked yes!!!:
i'm french and it is one year later but.. I want season 2 ! XD CBS go die right now èé
(sry for bad english XD)
posted hace más de un año.
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Hatter_Lover picked yes!!!:
dude cbs needs more of Josef or just the dude that played him than would be fine did u know his parent owned neopets.co,
posted hace más de un año.