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Jane por diseño Pregunta

when is season 2 going to start?

 cleverclever posted hace más de un año
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Jane por diseño Respuestas

Teamdamon33 said:
I don't think season 1 is over yet. But it will be back in June.
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posted hace más de un año 
oh ok thanks
cleverclever posted hace más de un año
tribute13 said:
June 5th! Cant wait!!!
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posted hace más de un año 
rockysinger said:
The public don't know when season 2 will start :( i hope it won't end, I just can't oso, oso de to see the Jane por diseño series to end :(
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posted hace más de un año 
NealSavage1 said:
June 5
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posted hace más de un año 
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