a comment was made to the poll:
Do tu like listening to música o the radio when you're working?
hace más de un año by zanhar1
a comment was made to the poll:
Has any of your extrovert friends ever made tu feel guilty for being an introvert?
hace más de un año by zanhar1
a comment was made to the poll:
Were you/are tu in any gifted programs in school?
hace más de un año by zanhar1
a comment was made to the poll:
How do tu express yourself?
hace más de un año by zanhar1
a photo se añadió:
10 Myths About Introverts Busted
hace más de un año by lucy32
a comment was made to the poll:
Despite your introversion, how good are yous social skills?
hace más de un año by Sparklefairy375
a comment was made to the poll:
If tu could change yourself into an extrovert, would tu do it??
hace más de un año by Sparklefairy375
a comment was made to the poll:
Does it annoy tu that introverts are so misunderstood?
hace más de un año by Sparklefairy375
a comment was made to the poll:
How much time do tu like to spend alone??
hace más de un año by d_mjj95
a comment was made to the poll:
Do tu think there is an "in-between"? That some people are a bit of both??
hace más de un año by glelsey
a comment was made to the poll:
Do your friends and family understand your introversion??
hace más de un año by glelsey
a comment was made to the poll:
A little study I'm doing: If tu are an introvert, which birth order do tu fall in?
hace más de un año by naoimings
a comment was made to the poll:
Do tu have any hobbies? Add your own, if tu want to!
hace más de un año by glelsey
a comment was made to the poll:
Where are tu from?
hace más de un año by glelsey
a reply was made to the forum post:
Do tu hate being introvert?
hace más de un año by belladoesntsuck
a comment was made to the poll:
Where would tu prefer to live?
hace más de un año by belladoesntsuck
a comment was made to the article:
Are tu An Introvert?
hace más de un año by belladoesntsuck
a link se añadió:
10 Myths About Introverts
hace más de un año by AcidBanter
a comment was made to the photo:
Introvert imágenes
hace más de un año by Solas
a comment was made to the poll:
"Do not look for a sanctuary in anyone except your self." (The Buddha, Siddhartha Gotama)
hace más de un año by Solas
a comment was made to the poll:
Are tu an introvert??
hace más de un año by Solas
a comment was made to the poll:
Is it something bad that I'm an introvert?
hace más de un año by Solas
a comment was made to the poll:
Don't tu hate it whn another introvert calls tu an introvert like it's a bad thing and is blind to the fact that they are?
hace más de un año by Solas
a comment was made to the video:
Debunking Introvert Myths Introduction: Patricia Weber
hace más de un año by Vixie79
a comment was made to the video:
How to be alone
hace más de un año by flutefast
a comment was made to the video:
Yellig vs. Whispering: Introvert o Extrovert?
hace más de un año by flutefast
a comment was made to the poll:
Besides people on Fanpop, do tu know any other introverts?
hace más de un año by Mony-Black38
a comment was made to the link:
Are tu an Introvert o an Extrovert?
hace más de un año by misspansea
a comment was made to the link:
Whisper it loud - I'm shy and I'm proud! Why being an introvert shouldn't be considered a problem
hace más de un año by misspansea
a comment was made to the link:
How social are you?
hace más de un año by misspansea
an answer was added to this question:
What do you do at big social events, like parties?
hace más de un año by misspansea
a question se añadió:
Click here!
hace más de un año by arvoredum
a comment was made to the poll:
Have tu always known tu were an introvert?
hace más de un año by cassie-1-2-3
an answer was added to this question:
What do you do at big social events, like parties?
hace más de un año by EalasaidWooster
a comment was made to the answer:
I would ask your Grandmother for some el espacio if it's making tu uncomfortable. I know she means well, but making it mandatory sounds like it's really...
hace más de un año by oJdelight56
an answer was added to this question:
How do you deal with being forced to socialize with big groups?
hace más de un año by SelinaKyle
a question se añadió:
How do you deal with being forced to socialize with big groups?
hace más de un año by Kassaremidylynn
a comment was made to the poll:
"Solitude is strength; to depend on the presence of the crowd is weakness. The man who needs a mob to nerve him is much más alone than he imagines." (Paul Brunton)
hace más de un año by para-scence
a comment was made to the poll:
"The less tu speak, the más tu will hear." (Alexander Solshenitsen)
hace más de un año by para-scence
a comment was made to the question:
What do tu do at big social events, like parties?
hace más de un año by 2bluemoon
an answer was added to this question:
What do you do at big social events, like parties?
hace más de un año by POPclogger216
an answer was added to this question:
What do you do at big social events, like parties?
hace más de un año by swiddlewiddle
an answer was added to this question:
What do you do at big social events, like parties?
hace más de un año by xebbi
a comment was made to the poll:
If tu are an introvert, do tu go to church, temple, etc?
hace más de un año by MarMar_XigLux
a poll se añadió:
Is it something bad that I'm an introvert?
hace más de un año by swiddlewiddle
a comment was made to the question:
What do tu do at big social events, like parties?
hace más de un año by Smib
a video se añadió:
How to be alone
hace más de un año by Kiniko90
a comment was made to the question:
What do tu do at big social events, like parties?
hace más de un año by hulismacked
a comment was made to the answer:
I don't get invited to big parties. I have small parties with friends, and I feel comfortable around them. But if I did have to go, I would just...
hace más de un año by SouthParkSmart
an answer was added to this question:
What do you do at big social events, like parties?
hace más de un año by thespikedturtle