Giselle in cartoon form

I decided to make a collage for the charcthers.As you can see I think that they are so alike.

The first one I made was the Ballroom scene picspam. The big picture is the one where Robert grabs Giselle and twirls her around the dancefloor.The 1st small icon is a deja vu of The Little Mermaid I think because its so familar.

This picspam is based on Giselle and her statue of Robert in the animated world.I used three images from the live action part of the movie as well.The first is the ballroom one as I loved this scene so much, the second is the kiss on the tower and finally

I love this one as it shows Giselle's happy and it shows how her and Robert began to fall in love with one another.

This one is just a little photo album about Enchanted.From 2D animation to live action.

This one is about Giselle changing into a real woman from being animated to falling for Robert and of course happy endings too.

This is one is about Giselle thinking about Robert.As you can tell it explains alot about her and Robert

Here is one of Giselle in animated form

This one is based on the dragon scene.

Another Giselle & Robert picspam

This one is all about Robert & Giselle

From being a maiden in Andalasia to falling for an attorney here is her own happy ending

Here is a reference picspam from TLM,as you can see its very similar

This is one of my favourite scenes from Enchanted

Another favourite scene that I love is the ballroom scene.

Just to show you all that Giselle's statue was Robert

You can either agree with me or not but I think Enchanted is a dead ringer to the LM.