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added by MattsSexyGirl
added by Councilman
added by MattsSexyGirl
added by Councilman
Source: SiFi Network
posted by Councilman
Now as they say the truth will out. I have personally never seen a human spirit o ghost but there was this one time.
In the summer of 67 I was working as a lifeguard at a Resort and spending my nights off during the weekdays at a place called the DXdgX Valley Inn where I played guitarra and I sang for drinks and tips, even though I was only 18 the owners thought I was in my mid twenties having told them I graduated from San Diego State in June of that year. Which was true but, I never mentioned the fact it was from High School I graduated from there. One night I was there with an Indian friend...
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added by johnvesleyfan1
added by Councilman
Source: SiFI network
ghost hunters international