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Game of Thrones Season 6 Speculation: Bran isn’t leaving the cave

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I remember visiting this website once...
It was called Will Bran leave the cave in Game of Thrones Season 6?
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
Season 6 photo featuring Bran, many people are excitedly talking about the where and the how of the pic. The last time we saw our dear Bran, his hair was much longer and curlier, his legs weren’t working, and he was getting ready to start his training to be a greenseer. So, when this photo dropped, and we see Bran with a closely shorn head, sitting atop a horse outside the cave, the questions began to swirl.
 got the scoop on some storylines that will impact Season 6, calling Bran’s plotline “
-like storytelling.” This means that we are going to be shown a lot of flashbacks (and possibly flash-forwards) through dream-like sequences, via Bran’s weirwood/greenseer magic.
…we’re given looks into very important events in the past, present and future of this world and Bran is beginning to piece them together like a detective, almost as if he’s watching the show. Equally, he’s now discovering how crucial he could be in the Great War. It’s quite Inception-y.
This means that Bran is going to be spending a ton of time in the cave, viewing important scenes from the past and future of Westeros that will come into play in what Wright calls “the Great War,” all under the watchful eye of the Three-Eyed Raven (Max von Sydow). By the way, I believe this is the first time we’ve heard that particular title (Great War) given to the events of what is coming.
Now, with all that information from the actor himself, let’s look a little closer at that photo:
I think the simple explanation here is that Bran is having a green-dream. Remember back to Seasons 1 and 2, when Bran would dream following his fall from the broken tower. In these dreams, he could walk around Winterfell as if his legs were working fine. Those dreams seemed real (like the photo above), until he awoke in his bead.
Where did that horse come from? Bran arrived at the cave on Hodor’s back. There’s no way he’s found a horse since, unless the horse is Uncle Benjen’s. Where is Bran’s special saddle? After his fall, he could not ride a horse without the special saddle design given to him by Tyrion Lannister. In my mind, this only cements that the
Here’s where it gets fun. If this is a dream, then it’s probably a dream that holds some importance. Wright used the descriptor “The Great War” to describe what his character is preparing for. Could Bran be looking up at the Night’s King? Perhaps as a full-fledged greenseer, Bran is now dreaming about the real enemy to all life in Westeros, and that is the Night’s King.
Regardless of what’s really happening in the photo, until we get to April/May, the speculation is going to be running wild. And, with
Season 6 relying heavily on flashbacks, added to the fact that book readers and non-book readers are on the same page for the first time in the series’ history, we really have no idea what is coming. Isn’t it exciting?
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You don’t know what’s coming?? Did you not listen to Ned Stark all those times?? Winter is coming silly and Manse Raider was coming but he’s been and gone..
Even if he never leaves the cave, it would be such a great impact if he were able to do his part with the “Great War” and have it be known by his siblings and others, that it’s him, and have them understand and know he’s alive and powerful and know what he can do and has become. Readers and show watchers know, but the characters all think he’s dead. My heart longs for the Stark children to know who’s alive, etc. – and the wolves, they must be key to this as well. Eventually it all must come together.
“Looking up at the Night King” . How can anyone come to that conclusion ?For all I know He could be looking at Hodor’s cock
@Razor I thought so too at first. But as someone pointed out to me, in the enlarged/whole photo, you can see him in his typical leaning/crouching position. So, I’m not so sure anymore…
I think it’ll be like Harry Potter and the Goblet of fire when he is viewing memories in the pensive. He was a observer of the memory and present but the people present in the memory were unaware of him.
I agree. And I think, we got some clues that this will happen as described.
Both Bran and Bloodraven were present at the Tower of Joy filming in September, which is a pretty good indicator.
There was a new about young Ned and then there will be young Robert too. And also was a new about Hodor’s origin.
-A large boy, with an actor who is 10-12 but playing 7 or 8. He’s described as “a clever boy” who seems too large for his age. He’s big and tall but not fat. “Characterful squat features” are a plus for this part. it’s specified that this is a one-time appearance.
-12 year old boy, with brown hair and blue eyes. He needs to use a Northern accent. He has scenes where he has to spar with a wooden sword. The length of the role isn’t specified.
-7 year old boy with dark brown hair, a narrow face and green eyes. He also has a Northern accent. He also spars with the wooden sword, so it’s safe to assume it’s the same scene. This role is similarly open-ended, the description only stating that the character is being ‘introduced.’
I think this scene is a vision and Bran sees both of them young at Winterfell. (on the picture he maybe lookin at Winterfell’s wall)
I don’t think that casting of the large boy was for Robert, I think it was for hodor before people knew he was going to get more backstory this season. Robert’s role in this point of the story is really as dead as his character unfortunately.
The large boy is Hodor. The 12 year old is Robert i think…because Sebastian Croft was casted for young Ned, and he has green eyes.
”12 year old boy, with brown hair and blue eyes…” – Mark Addy=Robert Baratheon has blue eyes and brown hair
Lol there isn’t anything to make one think bran’s looking at anything more than the sky. I think it’s pretty obvious bran leaves the cave, if he ever wants to plug back into the net when he’s old and about to die like bloodraven, who’s to say he can’t. His power is in his blood… Who he is, not a tree. Bloodraven is only teaching him how to hone it like nobody else on westeros can.
The photo isn’t of a dream; bran is actually leaving the cave. Look at how he is hunched over the horse/mule, he still has upper body strength and could easily wrap his arms around its neck to secure himself. He needed a special saddle before because he was too small to be capable of such a thing. At a trot or slower he could manage. You guys are forgetting bran isn’t any little craven, he’s strong willed and wanted to be a knight. You can’t keep a good stark down.
I agree he is leaving the cave heading for the family reunion and the battle of the bastards.
If Bran does stay in the tree I wonder what could possibly happen to Hodor and Meera. Three seasons of staring at Bran while his eyes are rolled into the back of his head?
RAZOR: Varys used the term “The Great War” to come when trying to convince Tyrion to go to Mereen. I could be wrong…. 😏
razor- I have a screencap from an advertisement for HBO Now (promoting the upcoming trailer for GOT). It’s presumably of John Snow post stabbing – I guess it could be fake but considering it was for HBO I DONT THINK SO. either way thought it would be great to have the gang comment. Let me know how I can send it to you
I Think the photo indicates Bran leaving the cave, for real.
* Bran is dressed in his Beyond-the-Wall rags. If this was a vision, he’d be dressed in better attire, as was the case when he had his greendreams with Jojen in Season 3.
* Bran is on horseback. Notice that he’s leaning forward quite close to the horse’s head. The horse is clearly motionless, so it could be that Bran, as we see him in the picture, has been tied to his saddle and is leaning forward to keep his balance. If this was a greendream, he’d be sitting bolt upright.
I believe that Bran will leave the cave sometime in Season 6.
Another thing I have to say about this alleged “greendream” in the poster. Bran Stark’s final chapter in A Dance of Dragons had him experience a greendream immediately after Bloodraven’s formal lessons. Bran’s vision of Ned with Lyanna Stark occurred while he was in bed, not while he was on the “weirwood throne. So, as a fully-trained greenseer (and not even fully-trained in the case of his most recent POV in the book), Bran does not necessarily need to be in physical contact with a weirwood tree to utilize his gifts. And it is also an overlooked fact that Jojen Read experienced greendreams without touching a tree, either. And he was nowhere near Bran in terms of ability.
With all this in mind, there is absolutely NO reason for Bran to stay in the Cave of the Three-eyed Raven and the Children of the Forest, outside of being educated in warging and greenseeing. Bloodraven NEEDED Bran to be there in person to teach him effectively. If the “visions” were so effective on their own, he could have simply instructed Bran in his dreams from afar, instead of making a paralysed boy trek thousands of miles.
Bran is not supposed to be “in a tree”. That is one of the most stupid fan theories in this series. People who think he’s destined to be in a tree conveniently overlook the fact that Bloodraven is in a tree, because he’s 125 years old, and it’s keeping him alive. Leap, the female Child of the Forest whom saved Bran’s group from the wights even explained this in the book. Bran is a young boy. He has his whole life ahead of him. Just because he’s physically-disabled, that doesn’t mean he’s sickly or dying. He certainly deserves better than to be trapped inside a tree at a tender age. He’s also the rightful ruler of Winterfell and the North. And not only does he have the best claim to the Stark inheritance, but he was instructed in ruling Winterfell, more than Sansa, Jon, Arya and Rickon.
And consider this: Brandon the Builder, the founder of House Stark and Winterfell, was said to have been a sorcerer who co-opted the aid of giants to build Winterfell and the wall. If the antediluvian Bran the Builder was a greenseer himself, than this only serves to cement Bran’s role as the rightful heir. An all-seeing, all-knowing god-king of the North.
There’s a reason that Bran is a protagonist and not merely a supporting-character for others!
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