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Evan Rachel Wood What Evan Rachel Wood role is better?

48 fans picked:
Lucy from Across the Universe
Lucy from Across the Universe
Abigail from Running with Scissors
Abigail from Running with Scissors
 Zcali1 posted hace más de un año
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Abigail from Running with...
Zcali1 picked Abigail from Running with Scissors:
She was so much more powerful in this role.
posted hace más de un año.
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I've never seen either - I just love her in Thirteen!!! :)
posted hace más de un año.
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Lucy from Across the Universe
megloveskyle picked Lucy from Across the Universe:
I can't wait for her new record to come out!
posted hace más de un año.
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Lucy from Across the Universe
Shandiii picked Lucy from Across the Universe:
Tough choice! Both movies are amazing.
posted hace más de un año.
last edited hace más de un año
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Abigail from Running with...
Revolutional picked Abigail from Running with Scissors:
no... I like her in Thirteen so much better!!
posted hace más de un año.
last edited hace más de un año
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Lucy from Across the Universe
ilovehinder picked Lucy from Across the Universe:
i just watched across the universe yesterday :-P its the only movie ive seen her in
posted hace más de un año.
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Lucy from Across the Universe
VMars4ever picked Lucy from Across the Universe:
This one. Although she played a MUCH more powerful role in Thirteen, that movie was amazing. She did do well in this role, too.
posted hace más de un año.
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Lucy from Across the Universe
Aerohead picked Lucy from Across the Universe:
She has such an awesome voice! Great role even if her character was a little annoying.
posted hace más de un año.
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Abigail from Running with...
snowwhitesilver picked Abigail from Running with Scissors:
I loooooooove Across the Universe, but Lucy gets on my nerves, and she's an idiot for leaving Jude
posted hace más de un año.
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Lucy from Across the Universe
Ginevraaa picked Lucy from Across the Universe:
Both actually ♥
posted hace más de un año.