~My Sister's Keeper: Dr. Farquad
~Spider Man 2: Receptionist
~Boogeyman: Kate Houghton
~Glory Road: Mary Haskins
~Cold Mountain: Mrs. Morgan
~The Alamo: Rosanna Travis
~Rose Red: Pam Asbury
~Easy: Laura
~Old Tricks: Woman
~The corazón Department: Maude Allyn
~It's a Shame About Ray: Maggie
~Mute: Claire
~That Night: Annie
~~It Could Happen to You: Paint Throwing Fur-Activist
televisión Shows:
~Providence: Annie Frank
~Law and Order SVU: Cassie Germaine
~The Dan Show: Sam
~Crossing Jordan: Michelle
~And of Course:

I am not prone to bouts of jealousy. This however has me green. I have turned in the Hulk. I amor Emily, ever since 'Boogeyman' and 'RoseRed'. I fact the only reason I watched them is because she was in them.
So here's the thing. She's smart, beautiful, talented and well did I say beautiful? Look at those cheekbones! Oh and she gets to hang out with David B all day! God her life must suck! I mean really, why would tu want to live like that?
I am sorry. I am a amargo, amargos old woman.
That said, I don't think I would trade my life for hers. The payment for fame is too high. Mind you, I would take David off her hands.
So here's the thing. She's smart, beautiful, talented and well did I say beautiful? Look at those cheekbones! Oh and she gets to hang out with David B all day! God her life must suck! I mean really, why would tu want to live like that?
I am sorry. I am a amargo, amargos old woman.
That said, I don't think I would trade my life for hers. The payment for fame is too high. Mind you, I would take David off her hands.