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posted by Thecharliejay
Favorite frases por Draco Malfoy

"Well, I can certainly see why we're trying to keep them alive. Who wouldn't want pets that can burn, sting, and bite all at once?"


"Longbottom, if brains were gold, you'd be poorer than Weasley, and that's saying something."


"Oh how silly we�ve been!" Malfoy sneered. "We should have stroked them! Why didn�t we guess?"
"I-I thought they were funny," Hagrid dicho uncertainly to Hermione.
"Oh tremendously funny!" dicho Malfoy. "Really witty, giving us libros that...
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It was late at night when my father finally knocked at my door. I knew he had wanted me to stay up, and therefore I was still fully dressed. I stood up as he entered the room. He looked around with his usual indifferent expression. I don’t know what he was looking for, and I don’t know if he found it. He took a couple of steps closer, before he stopped in the middle of the room.
“You were late.”
“I know father, and I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to…”
I heard my excuses stumble out of my mouth, but he silenced me with a raised hand.
“I am very disappointed.”
I felt my corazón drop...
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posted by Teaspoon22
I walked slowly towards home, while I went through the día moment por moment inside my head, and I cherished every one of them. I stayed longer por some memories before I put them as far back in my brain as possible, where no one could find them. Because it was just as important to stuff the memories away, as it was to actually remember them. I didn’t even want to think about what could happen if he got to know. There was nothing that frightened me más than his cold fury.
Therefore, I tip-toed through the garden and through the cocina door. My father would never be in the cocina so I knew...
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posted by QueenHybrid
I'm Draco Malfoy, I'm Draco, I'm on your side!"
Draco was on the upper landing, pleading with another masked Death Eater. Harry Stunned the Death Eater as they passed: Malfoy looked around, beaming, for his savior, and Ron punched him from under the cloak. Malfoy fell backward on parte superior, arriba of the Death Eater, his mouth bleeding, utterly bemused.
"And that's the segundo time we've saved your life tonight, tu two-faced bastard!" Ron yelled.”
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

“Honestly, if tu were any slower, you’d be going backward.”
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

“Longbottom, if brains were gold, you'd be poorer than Weasley, and that's saying something.”
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
Draco's pov
knock knock knock

i opened the door and there stood _____ tears in her eyes i didnt realize why untill i remember that her mum got sent to Azkaban for useing the kill curse on a muggle.

I'm sorry _____ about your mum at least tu can stay here i said

thanks draco she dicho
i let her in then she pulls somthing out of her pocket it was a Slytherin ring she gave it to me

thats for tu it nice to see tu it's been awhile she dicho then i ran upstairs

what the heck she dicho following me

i didnt resonped

i got to my room went in got to my dresser opend the first drawer and pulled out snake heart...
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Draco had walked into the balcony room, to sit himself in a comfy, navy armchair, feeling himself sink into its cotton and feather mix, warming himself por the magical fire, which glowed brightly, filling the room with flickering light. Narcissa sat on the couch, comfortable, and relaxed, sipping on a bit of warm ButterBeer, and eating kippers and spiced rice.
"Draco, I expect better of you. How could tu have scored lower than a Muggle-Born, Hermione Granger of Gryffindor at that." Lucius said, his voice shaky and dangerous. Draco froze, as he was reaching for a fine-china teacup, helping himself...
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1. His father told him that the boogieman was a mad Muggle who lived in the dungeons and ate little wizards who disobeyed their parents. Draco knew his father would never lie, so he slept with his light on for three weeks before Malthus, his house-elf, promised to hex any Muggle who entered the room.

2. Draco had always wanted a pet. He begged his parents for a Kneazle and when they finally gave in, it wouldn’t play with him. One día Draco caught it. He forced it to play with him all afternoon and when he was done he put it in a chest so siguiente time he wouldn’t have to work so hard to catch...
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The week had passed, and Draco was now about to enter platform 9 3/4. With his trolley, he ran through the "brick" post, and into Hogwart's Train Station. Narcissa and Lucius followed as well. As his things were loaded onto the train, Draco looked at his parents. He edged towards his mother to give her a side-hug, as he didn't want to hurt his sibling inside her womb. Lucius did not give hugs, so instead, Draco got a strong handshake, and a nod. His mother hugged him again, another side-hug.
"We will send tu a letter when your sibling has been born. tu shouldn't get one in less than two-to-three...
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From Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone

'My father's siguiente door buying my libros and mother's up the calle looking at wands,' dicho the boy. He had a bored, drawling voice. 'Then I'm going to drag them off to look at racing brooms, I don't see why the first-years can't have their own. I think I'll bully father into getting me one and I'll smuggle it in somehow.' (PS5)

"My father told me all the Weasleys have red hair, freckles, and más children than they can afford...You'll soon find out some wizarding families are much better than others, Potter. tu don't want to go making friends with...
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He stood there, on his stone balcony, staring down on the lawn with his icy gray eyes. It was cloudy, as if it were to rain soon. He would be gone to Hogwarts as a 3rd año student within a week. Draco Lucius Malfoy had a look of pure hatred on his eyes, jealousy laced in his eyes, mind, and heart.
'Harry Potter, the "Chosen One?" Hmph. As if. Everyone knows it is I, Draco Lucius Malfoy that is the Heir of Slytherin...'
But something broke his train of thought. It was his mother, Narcissa Malfoy (nee Black) sitting in the creaking rocking chair, her stomach as round as a watermelon. She was expecting...
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posted by cherrylips27
Draco pov.

I think back on my life what have I done to get this I loved her since forever and The Dark Lord must of know that and thats why he did that I dont know but Im the luckyest guy in the world this is great but I dont know what to do

THoughts just run thogh my head all night not being able to sleep all I know i that I amor her


<3 <3 <3

amor amor amor amor amor amor LOVE

Im sorry this sucks I just cant think of anything else to wright and I thought I should write something so here it is
posted by Twilight_Malfoy
Name:Granite Lily Potter
Age:11 (Changes As Story Goes On)
Family:James Potter (Deceased Father) Lily Potter (Deceased Mother) Harry Potter (Twin Brother)
Hair Color:Light Brown
Eye Color:Black
Who Fancy Her:Draco,Ron
Bio:Hey! Granite here! Yes,Granite! The 'Girl Who Lived'! I hate it! But my mates her awesome! Even if there are only three of them... *Blushes* Any who,see ya!!
From Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

'Draco Malfoy,' Harry explained. 'He hates me.' (CS3)

Draco to his father: 'I thought tu were going to buy me a present.' (CS4)

'What's the good of that if I'm not in the house team?' dicho Malfoy, looking sulky and bad-tempered. 'Harry Potter got a Nimbus Two Thousand last year. Special permission from Dumbledore so he could play for Gryffindor. He's not even that good, it's just because he's famous… famous for having a stupid scar on his forehead…'

'… everyone thinks he's so smart, wonderful Potter with his scar and his broomstick –'
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posted by cherrylips27
When down stairs there was a knok then the door opened it was Narsisia walk in

Draco _____ get down here Narsisia called

soon as she was done I was down there Draco after

Yes mum Draco anserwed

I want tu two to be ready for tomarow the dark Lord is coming ok She said

where have tu been Mrs.Malfoy I say

Away and call me Sissy ok tu know that she says

At Night
Dracos dream

Im at a Funnarl but whos then they open the casked its ____ how did that happen oh my god Im cry now and this gos on forever till i wake up
still Dracos pov.
Theres a knock on the door down stairs its fuge

I am here to take _____...
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when this is some where ______ it means your name
when this happends ** it means thoughts
when this happends "" it means speking
about you
brown hair pixie hair cut
brown eyes cat like
fare skin
long legs
5'3 is your height i know its shourt but youll grow
hot to the boys your the hotest girl in the school
tu look like a modle
your 16
slytherin but diff. because tu hang with the trio but your best friend is draco weird i know but deal with it
youve liked draco all your life and tu knew him
that long too
draco loves tu but tu dont see it
siguiente time ill wright but i thought tu would be confused if tu dont know what is what thanks for lectura plz commet plz

bye bye
Its Full On War People!!!!!! Are tu ready to fight? Stand up for what tu believe in? Will people turn backs on tu and shun tu down for what tu believe in? Well here it is I am Laurl23 and I am starting a full on Harry Potter VS. Twilight on fanpop War. tu may hate me for it tu my amor me o like me for but the truth is all I want to see is are tu truly a Harry Potter fan o are tu a huge Twilight Fan. tu can’t like both, tu might say tu do, but deep inside your only in amor with one of these amazing series. This war will include: Actors and actrices Wars from each movie, The...
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From Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

'Well, look who it is,' dicho Malfoy in his usual, lazy drawl, pulling open the compartment door. 'Potty and the Weasel.' (PA5)

'I heard your rather finally got his hands on some oro this summer, Weasley,' dicho Malfoy. 'Did your mother die of shock?' (PA5)

'You fainted, Potter? Is Longbottom telling the truth? tu actually fainted!' (PA5)

'Did tu faint as well, Weasley?' dicho Malfoy loudly. 'Did the scary old Dementors frighten you, too, Weasley?' (PA5)

George looked up in time to see Malfoy pretending to faint with terror again. 'That little git,'...
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Why do i feel so guilty just for loving you???

We are always told that there will never be happiness for people like us o matter how hard we try...

And one way o another people are always gonna try and put us down, they say people like us dont suit each other and should never ever try...

But they hahve no idea how wrong they are about us...

We may act like we hate each other and we may fight and argue sometimes...

But in the end we always make up for it especially at night...

People expects us ti hate each other so much but it doesnt work...

Even our own family and friends try to keep us apart......
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posted by serenity21
I always thought i hated you...
But in the end i was wrong, instead of hating tu i ended up liking you...
And now im starting to fall for you, and im falling for tu deeply...
No matter how hard i try, all im doing is falling, falling, falling...
Why do i feel like this about tu all of a sudden...
Because all i ever did was torment tu and your friends...
Yet i just cant stop thinking about tu anymore...
Did tu casted a spell on me, o put a curse on me...
Cos everywhere i turn, tu are always somehow there...
You are standing the just staring at me, just watching me watching tu all día long......
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From Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

'Granger, they're after Muggles,' dicho Malfoy. 'D' tu want to be mostrando off your knickers in midair? Because if tu do, hang around ... they're moving this way, and it would give us all a laugh.' (GF9)

'Hermione's a witch!' Harry snarled.
'Have it your own way, Potter,' dicho Malfoy, grinning maliciously. 'If tu think they can't spot a Mudblood, stay where tu are.' (GF9)

Malfoy chuckled softly. 'Scare easily, don't they?' he dicho lazily. 'I suppose your daddy told tu all to hide? What's he up to – trying to rescue the Muggles?' (GF9)

'Where're your...
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