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Donnie Wahlberg Pregunta

How many brothers and sister does Donnie Wahlberg have.

joannmc999 posted hace más de un año
And Mark is the baby of the group
joannmc999 posted hace más de un año
Just wanted to say how much I amor The Wahlberger Show. I amor your family especially Mom. She's the best. She did an amazing job raising all of you. I especially amor how close tu are to all your friends. Great series, but más then that, a beautiful, loving family. And Paul, tu ROCK!!!!!!!!! I amor how Donnie & Mark tease you. It's great. PLease open up one of your restaurants in NJ.
joannmc999 posted hace más de un año
 missylou3 posted hace más de un año
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Donnie Wahlberg Respuestas

lisaann49015 said:
He is number eight out of nine children.
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posted hace más de un año 
abrillon99 said:
there was a total of 9 kids 3 sisters and 5 brothers
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posted hace más de un año 
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