Doctor Who's Companions Links
Costumes worn por Rose Tyler, Martha Jones, Captan Jack Harkness and Donna Noble on display at the Doctor Who Experience
Prepare for an adventure as we take tu on a Doctor Who Tour of London. The four hora luxury air-conditioned mini coach tour includes Doctor Who locations from the past 45 years with a particular focus on the classic series.
registrarse other Whovians on this exciting 3 día fully guided small group tour which starts and ends in Londres and travels across England to South Wales.
On this 10 hora intergalactic Doctor Who tour designed for fans of the famous Time Lord we’ll head off from Londres along the M4 to South Wales por luxury mini coach to where the hugely popular BBC TV series is made.
Fansite on Karen Gillan with gallery and information.
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This is a wonderful combination of sadness and joy at what was. A story of the Doctor and his Companions. Edited por Thepowerofme, footage belongs to BBC.