princesas de disney Club
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Okay, so I have noticed there is some kind of Rapunzel war going on Fanpop, o something...not going to say names o anything. It first started with a pregunta thread, and now several pick questions, and well...

It needs to stop. Guys, I am all for having opinions, but really.

I feel really bad, because, personally, I feel like I participated in the bashing to an extent. I expressed my opinion in the pregunta thread, but I feel like I bashed her too. I re-watched clips of Rapunzel and also read about the good things people had to say about her.

I can see why people can relate to her, with being artistic, fun, bubbly, and having some flaws...more emotional conflict flaws than physical. Personally, she is still not balanced enough for my taste, still not very flawed o original compared to other DPs o characters, and she is just simply not my cup of tea, but that's okay. But yes, reflecting on this made me realize she does deserve to be in the line-up along with Tiana.

But my main point is, the war needs to stop, with one end with the picks and question, and the other side with the pregunta being deleted. I don't think it is fair to present preguntas where tu can piss people off, but I don't think it is also fair to have a pregunta deleted just because tu don't like the opinions in it.

On the whole, I am sorry guys, because I feel like I did act badly. Maybe it doesn't look like I did, but I surely do feel bad inside about it. I want people to see that I am not trying to be mean o bashing in any way; all I wanted to do was express my opinion, being negative o positive, in a firm but not mean way.

Again guys, I'm sorry.
posted by sparklefanboy
Note: frozen is not owned and created por me.

A año after they had a prank battle at a faraway city Anna and Elsa were at the same city again. They did some más trade business.

Princess Anna dicho "Do tu remember the last time we were here?"

Queen Elsa dicho "Of course. It was a only a año ago."

Anna giggled and dicho "It was fun."

Elsa dicho "But we got chased por bees and lost our pants."

Anna dicho "Yeah. That was a great day."

Elsa dicho "Well I'm glad that the Duke of Weselton isn't here this time."

The Duke of Weselton dicho "I'm here this time." The Duke saw Anna and Elsa and dicho "It's time for...
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posted by whimsywishes
Emeraldine sighed. Of all tables, why did she have to serve that one? This had to be some kind of test.

She shoved her pencil and pad into her delantal and approached them.

"Hi," she dicho awkwardly.

When the guy at the mesa, tabla finally looked up from his menu, his eyes bulged in surprise.

"Esmeralda! Do tu work here?"

"My name is Emeraldine," the waitress replied through gritted teeth. "And yes."

He would remember that if he'd paid a speck of attention on their fecha last week.

"Sorry I haven't called," Jason avoided her eyes. "Work has been busy."

"I can see that," Emeraldine mumbled as she glanced at the...
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Note: frozen and el espacio Ghost are not owned and created por me. This is a articulo for this website and

Anna walked to the living room and dicho "Elsa did tu hear the news?"

Elsa replied "Yeah. There are reports of a villain from el espacio nearby."

Anna stated "We better find out what that villain is up to." Elsa agreed.

Anna and Elsa changed into their super hero costumes. They were shirtless and pantless like Captain Underpants. They only wore underclothes, a cape, and boots. Anna's costume was rosado, rosa and Elsa's was light blue.

Anna (Super chocolate Lover) and Elsa (Super Icicles) went...
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added by Sparklefairy375
added by Sparklefairy375
added by Sparklefairy375
Notes: frozen and DC are not owned por me. This is a story for this website and

Princess Anna tap danced into the living room. Anna dicho "Elsa I have exciting news."

Queen Elsa dicho "Oh dear."

Anna dicho "Elsa why can't tu have a más excited reaction to good news?"

Elsa dicho "Because your exciting news tends to be más scary than fun."

Anna sighed and dicho "This news is fun. Lex Luthor is working on a business deal nearby."

Elsa dicho "Oh no. He's a dangerous business man."

Anna happily dicho "He sure is. He will probably do evil scheme that will get our city in danger which means Superman...
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added by PrincessFairy
Note: Captain calzoncillos, ropa interior and frozen are not owned and created por me. This is a story for fanpop and

Professor Poopypants and the Duke of Weselton were tired of losing all the time so they decided to team up.

Professor Poopypants dicho "This is going to be our biggest victory yet."

The Duke of Weselton dicho "I agree."

The 2 villains laughed and started attacking Principal Krupp's school. Professor Poopypants dicho "I will get my revenge on the silly school."

Principal Krupp angrily dicho "How many times do I have to remind tu that no villains are allowed to take over the school?"

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Note: The frozen franchise and Captain calzoncillos, ropa interior are not owned o created por me.

Anna dicho "Good news Elsa."

Elsa dicho "Oh no."

Anna dicho "I dicho good news. tu should be saying yay."

Elsa dicho "Yay."

Anna dicho "A fellow super hero wants to meet us. Come on."

Elsa dicho "Okay."

Anna and Elsa went to their hero cave and put on their costumes. They wore underclothes, a mask, cape, and boots. The only difference between Anna and Elsa's costumes is that Anna's is rosado, rosa and Elsa's is blue.

Elsa dicho "I feel silly dressed like this."

Anna dicho "You should be proud. We are about to meet the super hero...
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 Hello Belle, we meet again!
Hello Belle, we meet again!
Hi guys, since I had already written my review as well as comparing both the 1991 and the 2017 versions. Here are my personal dislikes on the live action reboots as well as a number of things that I was not happy about the film, ready?

The Beast's Appearance

After lectura many of the reviews and people on foros regarding the beast's appearance, I have to agree. He doesn't look very beastly enough, he looks más like a monkey with a goat's horns and a body of a bear! This is the main reason why I wasn't very happy at all, I prefer his 1991 animated appearance, with the exception of his human...
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I would like to write 2 new songs from 2017 reboot of the 1991 classic and the reasons why I amor them, here we go!


I first heard Josh Groban's rendition of this wonderful song, he nailed the song perfectly and I heard it played twice at the lobby at my hotel in Hanoi, Vietnam on way back to the airport twice.
Initially, I thought he was going to dub Dan Stevens,until I heard the latter. Prompting me to surprise and that he followed his Downton Abbey costar, Lily James who played the título character in the 2015 reboot of Cinderella.

How Does A Moment Last Forever?

Upon listening to this song por Celine Dion, I felt that this song really suits my personality as well as my relationship with my family.
I amor how Maurice sang a short reprise at the beginning, it really explores his character more. This is something that I really cherish!

Which Way?

So, which of these 2 songs are your favourites?
Hi guys, this articulo is the perfect dancing música for the princesses. Ranging from the Renaissance to the Victorian Era, ready?

1. Bergamasca (Marco Ucellini)

This música will be best, especially for the 3 classical princesses. It is very gentle and smooth when they dance with their princes.

2. Johann Strauss II's Waltzes

In fact, many of his waltz are quite popular and it would definitely be popular among the princesses themselves.

3. Joseph Lanner's Die Schonbrunner Waltz

Initially, I thought that it was redactar por Strauss, but it is actually his rival Joseph Lanner.

4. Frederick Chopin's Waltz Music

I also amor his music, his waltz is also another favourite for the disney Princesses themselves.

A Toast!

Do tu agree with my choice, if tu do go ahead and listen to them.
 A Ball to Remember
A Ball to Remember
 The Brothers Grimm
The Brothers Grimm
Since I had written Hans Christian Andersen, now it is his German counterparts. The Brothers Grimm, I know that many of their stories are dark and sinister. But, I'm sure that disney will know how to handle it!

1) The Twelve Brothers

Okay, this story is quite similar to the Wild Swans. It also has a happy ending and I kind of feel bad for the girl during the majority of the story.

2) Rumpelstiltskin

I bet tu all know the story, and it was my favourite story of all times since I was young. The ending has several different versions, so it's up to disney to decide!

3) The Valiente Little Tailor

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added by PrincessFairy
Source: disney
In europa and since the last two years also Australia is an annual event, named Eurovision Songcontest. In the Eurovision Songcontest, countries send in a singer of group who sing their own song of a song that's made for them. If a song is agreeded door the jury, the song joins a semi-final. In the semi-final the jury and the vieuwers vote for the best act. If a song is in the parte superior, arriba ten, it joins the final.

Okay, that was the explanation of the Eurovision Songcontest. What I want with this is a Songcontest with disney songs on Fanpop. First, users on fanpop add songs door the 'question' u may...
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Moana (2016)
animated film
Here's my last sequel to disney Princess and Their Signature Jewel. Hope you'll enjoy this

Links to anterior articles:

Tiana: Tanzanite
Personally I have never liked that lima, cal green on her.. I think a brilliant cobalt blue would have suited her skin tone much better. Just like Tanzanite. It's fiery brilliance and depth would suit Tiana for her undeterred dedication and her quiet strength. She does have panache when it comes to her clothes, so a bit offbeat jewel while being among the class of diamonds would suit her the best.

Rapunzel: Morganite
Its soft shine and warmth makes it a...
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added by bearnaked15
Source: oso, oso de