disney Channel Stars Who Want's To Be The siguiente disney Channel Star?

oncameratalent posted on Dec 06, 2007 at 08:43AM
Press release:


disney Channel Stars 15 respuestas

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hace más de un año mre said…
i will my name is mre send me a message bye.
hace más de un año bajaderka said…
I wanna be a next disney channel star!! :D
hace más de un año kmStar said…
i really want to!
hace más de un año lovjobros4ever said…
i want to im good plz choose me
hace más de un año maliks548 said…
I would love to be the next Disney Channel Star, to become a role model for children..
Someone who they can look up to.
hace más de un año nxtactress said…
I love acting,and I would love to be disney channel's next star!
hace más de un año specialcutie1 said…
i want to be the next Disney channel star and so does many other people but i want to hopefully be the one
hace más de un año joesho said…
Hi, my friends kimberley , beatrice and me joes ho want to be a disney star ,and i hope that you can let us audition for the next disney star ,and we hope your can accept singaporeans ( chinese) in disney i hope your are not against us because i seen so far only americans are in disney and i just hope your would accept us and i cant say we are good in singing or acting because it is up to you to let us audition and see whether we are good enought .thanks for taking your time to read this , if not it is okay we understand thank you and god bless you.
hace más de un año ilove_jb_11 said…
I would LOVE to be the next disney channel star!!
I want to inspire other kids to follow thier dream and never give up and to just have fun and not let anything get you or keep you down!
I hope i'll be the luckiest girl alive to become a disney star i'll work as hard as it takes cause I love acting and singing disney is my life!!
If you don't choose me but someone else I just want to thank you for still making thier dreams come true!
hace más de un año emisa123 said…
I would love to be on the show. I am very good at acting, singing, and dancing. I can also be very funny. Please consider this.
hace más de un año cutesweeties said…
i want to but i doubt id get picked cause i cant sing or dance lol
hace más de un año valgirl said…
i would because i love acting and i love bieng on stage it so cool ive been in dramas at school but i don't know ifi couldever be an actress any where love disney channel and keep on rocking ................. love valerie
hace más de un año audrey99 said…
are you a true actor and actress???Pls answer me
hace más de un año devindogg said…
i want to become the next one please e=mail me shalamarw@yahoo.com
 i want to become the siguiente one please e=mail me shalamarw@yahoo.com
hace más de un año stephy95 said…
hi, my name is Stephanie and i want to be the next disney channel star i love acting ever since i started talking i said i want to be an actress and i will achive my dream one way or an other and am hoping you guy will help me please i know i can do it am 15 years old and if u help me i will be the happiest person alive and and i would really apreciate it my e-mail is teppy_shorty@hotmail.com.. thank you you guys would make my dream come ture