Dark Dreams and Fangirls Club
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posted by Thousand_Stars
Chapter Fourteen


I was trying to listen to what they were all saying, but I couldn’t make sense of any of it. And with l talking in percents, that just threw me right off the edge. Confused beyond any words, I hugged my knees up to my chest, a familiar position that reflected L’s crouch and basically zoned out, no longer listening. I mean, when I do this I’m thinking, I’m not just daydreaming. Really. I mean, for someone who thinks and analyzes and plans as much as I do in my brain, you’d think I’d be a bit less clumsy and ditzy. Yes, I admit the fact. I’m rather ditzy....
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posted by Thousand_Stars
Chapter Four
    I hyperventilate a lot. When I’ve been crying, o something shocks me, I breathe too fast and too hard for too long. I begin to feel weak, dizzy, and my head feels fuzzy and heavy. After a minuto maximum, I feel faint. Most of the time I just put my head in between my legs and eat something sugary and I feel better, but other times, I actually faint. The fainting spells don’t last too long, and I can usually be roused awake after about a minute. This time, I was shocked. I breathed faster and harder. The REAL L? The anime character from my dreams?...
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posted by Thousand_Stars
por the way, I have más publicado on quizilla, along with actualización and explanations, so if tu want the whole enchilada, check out my perfil there, LsBiggestFanGirl as my username!!

Chapter Two


L began to talk to them. I watched. I noticed that all three of them, L, Light, and Misa all had unnerving resemblances to the characters in the book. Maybe it was just a coincidence. But it was simply uncanny. I brushed blonde hair from my eyes and turned to eL. Her first name was Elizabeth (but even so, that’s still not what we normally called her), so we came up with eL as her alias. Otaku. I whispered...
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posted by Thousand_Stars
Truth be told, I created this club on accident. LOL! That's something only I could accomplish. LOLOL!! I'm certain I won't regret it, though! But, while this club exists, let me explain to tu what Dark Dreams and Fangirls IS. First off, it's usually referred to as 'DDF', so don't be confused!!! :3 Second, it's a fanfiction. About several manga, which makes it unique. Another unique thing about it is that the two main characters, Otaku and eL, are real people. I'm Otaku, and eL is my best friend, and we write this fanfiction together, basically using our personalities and our physical features...
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posted by Thousand_Stars
Chapter Twenty


I woke in my cama the siguiente morning. The covers had been carefully pulled up to my chin, and, even though I was still dressed in my jeans and t-shirt, he had taken off my shoes and set them por my cama where I would be sure to find them. I sat up slowly, pushing off the covers and stepping off the warm mattress. Hattie sat cross-legged on her bed, escritura furiously in a small, flimsy-looking notebook.

“What are tu doing? It’s so early,” I told her as I yawned. Hattie glanced up.

“Taco, it’s like, nine in the morning.”

“My point exactly!” I exclaimed. “You know,...
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posted by Thousand_Stars
Chapter Nineteen
“Happy birthday, Otaku-chan,” l whispered in my ear. I stared out in awe at the scene. Colourful streamers hung low from the ceiling, tables littered with sweets (especially fresa cake) were scattered throughout the room. Owl City (which, por the way, I knew and loved WAY before Fireflies! I am a TRUE Owl City fan!!! :3 LOL! Not saying that I don’t like Fireflies, I just feel the need to express my acknowledgment of Owl City BEFORE it became popular) blared from speakers in the corners of the rooms. The rest of the Task Force was hanging around, Matsuda and Ide...
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posted by Thousand_Stars
Chapter Twenty-One


“Children sleeping, snow is softly falling,” I sang. “Dreams are calling like bells in the distance. We were dreamers not so long ago. But one por one we all had to grow up,” I crossed my hands over my chest and leaned against the wall, swaying gently back and forth. My voice was high, clear, and alone. There was no música in the background, and no one was canto with me. I purposely choose such a solemn, quiet song to sing on my own, hidden away in my bedroom. (Fact of the matter was, it still November. navidad wasn’t for another month, but I sang the carol...
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added by Ryanzika
added by Thousand_Stars
Source: Thanks again to deadxendxless and who ever drew the pic of Otaku!
added by Thousand_Stars
Source: I made this on my own, but thanks to the people who drew the original pictures!!
added by Thousand_Stars
Source: Thanks to Photobucket!!!! :3
posted by Thousand_Stars
Chapter Six
The hotel l found was very nice, and very, very expensive. l could see that as they walked in. The whole place seemed to sparkle. A grand, glittering crystal chandelier hung in the air above them, people seemed to slow down and relax as they strolled across the glassy tiles, surrounded por the velvet walls and intricate paintings adorning them. Light sucked in a gasp behind them and Misa squealed with enthusiasm and happiness.
“Wow, Ryuuzaki!’ she cried, rushing over to his side. “This place is… amazing!” “Yes, but how do tu suspect we are going to pay for it? This certainly...
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posted by Thousand_Stars
Chapter Fifteen

L/ Light

The rest of the Task Force had really gone to sleep, for the first time in at least months. Finally going to cama at a normal time, and for más than just a couple hours. They had reached a bit of a roadblock. Nothing to do now but wait. So, after a few awkward minutos of staring at each other in silence, Matsuda suggested they take the opportunity and sleep while they could. Everyone had drifted off to various guest rooms and the room was empty, except for l and Light. L, of whom, was still sitting at the computers, and Light who hadn’t made it too far on his way to...
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posted by Thousand_Stars
Chapter Thirteen


“So, what exactly just happened?” I asked before spooning another bite of chocolate cake into my mouth. Hattie glanced over at L, who was also eating cake, and said; “I have absolutely NO idea, but I doubt it will EVER happen again,” I blinked. “Huh? Wait, tu mean-no, no, no, silly!! I don’t mean l actually expressing happiness!! (At which point l glanced over and stared at me, slowing his chewing to a painstaking pace as he glared. That laughing/smiling incident was probably a minor relapse of the mind; he’ll get over it.) I mean, why are we here in the...
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posted by Thousand_Stars
Chapter Twelve


I closed my eyes last and opened them first. And the first thing I saw was a pair of wide black eyes just inches from my own. I blinked and screamed. The eyes above me screamed too, and pulled away. I then realized (stupidly) that they were attached to a round face, outlined in thin black hair.

“Matsuda!!” I heard a loud voice roar. “Quit messing with that poor girl! Has she finally awoken?” Matsuda! Matsuda Touta!! So that’s who it was! I knew there was something familiar in those dark, laughing eyes.

“Yup!! She’s awake, alright!” Matsuda answered as Chief...
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posted by Thousand_Stars
Chapter Eleven


For about a minute, I was transparent. Insubstantial. When I looked down at my legs o my hands, I could see the blackness behind them, too. I could just make out the outlines of my features and my shape, with little color, faded and washed out, around the edges. I was weightless, and I felt like I was floating. I looked around me. ‘L!!’ I though frantically, ‘and Hattie!! Where are they?!’ My head whipped around me. Then, I could see them.

Hattie stood to my left, also transparent like me, but her eyes were closed, and her chest rose and fell silently. Was she sleeping?...
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posted by Thousand_Stars
Chapter Ten


“I’ll stay with L,” I announced happily. l nodded solemnly. “There only needs to be 2 people working on this. más would complicate it,” l didn’t give Light time to respond before he opened the door to a meeting room in the empty building, with a long mahogany dining mesa, tabla to asiento several people. A chandelier hung low over the table, spreading a warm glow throughout the room. I followed him to a seat, closing the door behind us. l quietly sat down and opened the book to the first page. A pang of fear shot through me. NO!! I couldn’t do this!! I couldn’t read...
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posted by Thousand_Stars
Chapter Nine


Otaku dropped her bike in Hattie’s garage, and the back door was open before she made it there. eL stood in the doorway, ready to grab her bicycle and leave.

“Hey, Kaitlyn!” Hattie called out to Otaku (Me: wheew!!! Glad we got that out of the way!!). Otaku attempted to smile, but anxiety overcame her pale features, and she merely grimaced, less than a ghost of her usual bright grin. Nevertheless, they climbed on their bikes and headed out towards the meeting room that had previously been booked for the Death Note fan party. Otaku seemed scared, gripping the handle bars...
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posted by Thousand_Stars
Chapter Eight


L spent a dreamless night, the moon out his window looming over him. And, if he had been awake, like he normally was at that hour, he would have heard a small, far-off scream in the distance. But he was sleeping. When he woke early that morning, all he could remember from his dreams was blackness. l didn’t dream, but when he did, his dreams were haunted, tormented; hideous, warped forms of the reality he clung to so tightly. It was usually all he could do to keep from screaming when he woke. Though he rarely dreamed (and rarely slept), it was partly out of irrational fear of...
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posted by Thousand_Stars
Chapter Seven


Only one light was on in the darkened house on The Creeks Circle. A high, fearful scream erupted from the lighted room. Otaku dropped the book on the floor, the back seeming to stare up at her in the faint light of her bedroom. Her eyes were open wide in fear and she couldn’t seem to raise her eyes from the betraying manga littering her white rug. She continued screaming in horror until she was forced to stop por her raw throat. Otaku’s murky eyes suddenly glistened with wet tears. One crystal tear slid down her cheek, leaving a wet, glittering trail. Finally,...
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