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One reason I amor csi over other crime shows like Law and Order (although, I do amor me some Law and Order) is because of the character interaction. It's just enough to keep us guessing, and subtle enough not to distract from the main plot of any one episode. What I really amor about csi is the rare episode that really shows how the team can pull together in a crisis to help one of their own. Episodes like "Grave Danger," "Fannysmackin'," "Living Doll," "Dead Doll," "Built to Kill Part 2," and even "Playing With Fire" to an extent really mostrar how the team cares for each other as friends, and...
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I'm sorry, but I just have to say, despite a severe lack of Warrick, Greg and Grissom, I absolutely adored it!!!

OK, so I'm one of the fans who actually likes Ronnie and the freshness she brings to the show. I amor new faces, if they're well acted and well defined (I wasn't too fond of Sofia because I'm not too fond of Louise Lombard, but I amor Jessica Lucas).

Can I just say... Wendy in a slasher flick??? CLASSIC! And Hodges' reaction was adorable, I loved it. Oh wow, it was fun watching Wendy sliced in half por a chainsaw. And Super Dave and Doc Robbins watching the Weatherly Adams movie in...
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posted by nickstokesrocks
I don't know about tu but have noticed they mostrar through the entire mostrar Nick and Catherine alot together. Also that kiss on deleted scenes in the pilot episode was so "steamy" tu would have to be dumb to fall for there is "no romantic tension there"thing.My opinion is that Nick and Catherine should go out together. I was watching this one movie trailer for csi and it shows Nick and Catherine dating and how there work is forbiding there relationship it is like the perfect Romeo and Juliet story.I still am really wondering why they did not make them a couple.It was so clear in season two and five there was some flirting going on there.Like in the episode Grave Danger when there in the ambulancia Warrick doesn't take of his guante and Catherine does to hold him because she is torn up inside!Comment if tu agree with me.
posted by nikki8green6
 Sara & Nick is her fave friendship.
Sara & Nick is her fave friendship.
Q: For starters, Congrats on winning the June FOTM! What do tu have to say to everyone who voted for you?
A: That's really awesome of all of you. Especially as I don't feel like I've been as active at the csi spot as I have been in the past. I've been derelict in my csi fanpopping duties. But perhaps, winning this is the kick in the pants I need to pay attention to the spot again. I'm also really glad it's been picking up in popularity. It was dragging for a while, and I felt like it was only me and a handful of users keeping it going. But now, I think there are a lot más participating, and...
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posted by nickstokesrocks
The día that Nick proposed to Catherine he came to work on a white horse dressed in a completely white tuxedo. Catherine was inside the crime lab with grease from the car she was getting evidence off of. Sarah saw Nick and she said
"Catherine, your Romeo is here to take tu to royal castle." Catherine turned around and saw Nick all the lab rats were looking out of there labs anxious to see what the gossip was. When Nick bent down and asked
"Cathrine I amor tu and I can't image my life without tu will tu marry me?" She was stunned but said
"Yes, I would amor to marry tu Nicky." Everyone that...
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posted by Castz
    You cannot tell por looking at us now, but at one point my family was a menagerie of mish-mashed personalities, with no one loving the other. Each member got más and más cynical as a divorce went under way, o a relative passed away. The strains on our family ties were visible, and it felt as though we were sincerely going to fall apart.
I tell tu this so that I may explain to tu why it is that I amor CSI: Las Vegas. As hard as I have tried in the past, it seemed as though I could not find common ground to bring my family back together. Although...
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posted by Paramore-CSI
I think Riley is the best csi on the mostrar right now. Don't get me wrong sarah was awsome and Warrick was cool(Nick,kathrine,greg,grissom and others are good to). I just amor how she has a dark past and is kinda mysterious. She has a quirky aide but also a serious calm side. She can get herself out of difficult situations por being calm( episode No Way Out). She took control and talked her and rayo, ray out of it. Ya she's a little trigger happy but that makes her, her. I think her and greg would be adorable together. But i think they should mostrar más of her so we understand her better.