!everyone!if tu tu want a Best mac theme for windows speicaly win7! go here!this is my subir link tu can check if tu want to!!^^
publicado hace más de un año
New Spot Look xDD Yeah I know it's not so perfect like our other spot looks BUT Since it was made por the fans of this clubes I still amor it and I'm very thankful that they made it
we reached1,000 fans That's a big event and I wanna thank all the people who fanned the club you've been a huge help Thank tu all!! Our siguiente goal is 2,000
lol Selena's so funny on the new spot look, unfortunately there's no Miley :( But I hope she will be there siguiente time :))
publicado hace más de un año
The Spot Look is now changed hehe Made por Sara (A.K.A Modernfan) She made an amazing job as always Hope tu all like it xox Nena
publicado hace más de un año
It was made many months ago.The ideaa was from nevenkastar and dirty_angel and they included as one of the admin and then we included sun_shine.This club was very famous then.hace más de un año
We got a new spot look guys Made my MY sis hehe She did a great job just I had to crop the banner so it would fit in the club and I made the icono hehe, just it doesnt fit the banner really well but who gives a damn haha
publicado hace más de un año
I know it looks bad, that's because I made it on my mom's laptop, because....well I broke my laptop I'm gonna change it when I get used to this laptop... I'm sorry if u don't like it :(((
publicado hace más de un año
I made a new spot look It looks very bad because I did it in a short time so It's very bad I'm sorry I'll change it as soon as I have time
publicado hace más de un año
Our Little Club Has Now 800 Fans! YeYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY I'm so glad that its so popular <33333 Soon we'll have 1,000 fans <3333
publicado hace más de un año